Why is the translation missing in my mini cart?

Why is the translation missing in my mini cart?

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In mini cart, translation is missing when translating to my language. I tried searching what is missing in lt.jason code but no luck. Please help, thanks:)

Screenshot 2023-12-28 175159.png

Screenshot 2023-12-28 175146.png

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
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Text is hard to read in just a screenshot ALWAYS provide text descriptions of issues don't rely on media alone.

You have to check in that locales file for the missing translation for the namespace and key a translation error gives you. If the namespace and or key do not exist you need to create theme.



If you need this fixed then contact me by email for services.
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ALWAYS please provide context, examples: store url, theme name, post url(s) , or any further detail in ALL correspondence.



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