How can I fix the Mercadopago Colombia error 400?

How can I fix the Mercadopago Colombia error 400?

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Buenas, estoy haciendo pruebas de pago, cada que completo el pago y me debería llevar de nuevo a shopify me sale este error, ¿Cómo puedo solucionarlo?

Imagen de WhatsApp 2023-09-14 a las 12.58.28.jpg


 Revise los token pero me dice que todo está correcto.

(Una pregunta adicional, ¿Cómo hago correctamente un producto digital? ¿será porque mi producto está mal configurado  que da el error 400? )

Gracias de antemano 



Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
2398 162 284

Hi, @JesusC666.


Welcome to the Shopify Community.


I understand you've integrated MercadoPago as a payment gateway however, you're receiving a 400 error message.


To troubleshoot further, I recommend trying the following steps:

  • Ensure that you have correctly set up your MercadoPago integration. Double-check your API credentials, access token, and other relevant settings.
  • Check to see if you're using the latest version of MercadoPago integration. Outdated versions may have compatibility issues or bugs that have been addressed in newer releases.
  • Another option is trying with a different payment method to see if the issue is specific to MercadoPago. This will help you determine if the problem lies with the payment gateway or elsewhere.

MercardoPago also has a developer documentation stating error messages and the cause.


If you've exhausted all options above, it would be best to contact MercadoPago Support directly as they will be able to assist as this is a third-party payment gateway integration.


In regard to your digital product question, you can use our Digital Downloads Help Center resource to learn how to set this up. You'll need to download the Digital Downloads app to upload digital files like videos, songs, and graphic art as products in your store.


I hope this helps!

Victoria | Shopify 
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