Is Opayo Sagepay still supported on Shopify?

Is Opayo Sagepay still supported on Shopify?

New Member
6 0 0

Does anyone know if Opayo Sagepay is still supported on Shopify. There used to be Sagepay forms but this as far as I can tell is no longer available. I spoke to Shopify and they were vague saying if its not in the list its not available. Opayo are also very vague, anyone know please ?

Replies 11 (11)

1 0 0

i have same issue, apparently shopify removed this option but then oapyo also known as sage pay requested they/shopify reinstate it, the trick is you got to ask their payments team to make it available to you again, ive been trying for a week and thus fr no luck as it seems the are reluctant to do so.

chase shopify support tell them to make it available to you on your account.

i was told this by opayo technical support.

2 0 0

I also want to integrate Opayo into my shop, however, I previously tried Worldpay and was told by Worldpay that Shopify is blocking third-party payment providers using their platform so that people use Shopify Payments.

1 0 0

I was told by our contact at Opayo that a new payment plugin was being developed, it was originally due for release at the end of January, the date set for the expiry of our current SagePay/Opayo plugin is now Feb 29th - which suggests to me that they are having difficulties getting sign off on the new plugin.  I do hope that they will continue to offer this option as our procedures are so embedded in our current way of working.

Shopify Partner
7 0 0

I think they are going through some changes with the transaction URLs used as they bring Opayo under Elavon branding.  THe below from our account used with Magento




Following the updates last year with the Opayo gateway becoming a payment product under the Elavon brand, we wrote to you regarding upcoming changes to the URLs you use for your transactions and reporting.  


We wanted to remind you that these URLs must be updated by 31st March 2024.  


What does this mean?

The URLs you use to send transactions to Opayo will be changing to an Elavon domain and you need to make the changes to send your transactions to the updated URLs.     


These changes must be made by 31st March 2024, this is when the SagePay URLs will cease to work.   


We've already added these updated URLs to our Developer Hub to help you make the changes, you can find the URLs specific to your integration below:


Pi integration

Direct integration

Form integration

Server integration


Shared API


If you haven't visited the developer hub before you'll need to ensure the location is set to your country before these specific links will work.


If you're using a shopping cart provider speak with them directly regarding this to make the relevant updates.


Important information

  • The HTTP standard of all headers is lower case with the new URLs, be aware of this if you have specific code to look for case sensitivity. 
  • We recommend using domain names instead of hard code, if you have hard-coded an IP address in your website or shopping cart you’ll need to update this also. 
  • Flush DNS cache (local) or Internet Service Provider (ISP) may cache DNS records. In this case, you will need to speak directly with your ISP to ensure you have the most up-to-date DNS records.
  • You will need to ensure the new URLs are whitelisted and any firewall rules you have in place have been updated. 
  • If you have implemented a content security policy you will also need to update this.

As always, we recommend testing any changes you make in your testing environment before implementing them to production.


Upgrade your protocol version 

When making these updates take this opportunity to upgrade to our latest protocol version.


From 31st May 2024 we are retiring protocol version 2.22 and 2.23, this would be a great opportunity to upgrade to our latest protocol version ensuring transactions are processed compliantly and you have access to all the latest features that Opayo have introduced.


We're here to help

For advice on making the relevant changes please contact support directly at or 0191 313 0299 (UK) and 01 240 8731 (ROI).


Many thanks


Opayo Product Support Team


5 0 1


I am still having trouble with this too. Opayo/Elevon is saying to update the URL's but my developer said it cannot find them; Shopify support has no clue either

Did someone have found a solution? 

I can see the disaster coming .... 


5 0 1


Good news : new plugin for shopify is ready

Bad news: I have installed it but it isn't working ! Customers got a message saying there is a technical error ... 

What to do ??

2 0 1

Hey, where do you get your integration key and password from please?

1 0 0


You have to log into your opayo putting your vendor name as your username and also in the vendor name box then you can create new integration keys.


Also - I’ve just managed to set up the new integration but I hate how at checkout the option comes up as ‘Opayo by Elavon’, feel like it looks quite confusing to the buyer. Does anyone know if this can be changed to simply say ‘Card’?

Shopify Partner
7 0 0

There may be others out there but I use the "Payfy : Payment Rules" app in the Shopify App Store which gives options to change payment names as well as re-ordering payment methods

Shopify Moderators Please Note: I am providing this information as assistance to a member.  I am not affiliated with the app developers and gain nothing for providing this information so please don't ban me again for "spamming", simply for sharing a solution

Shopify Partner
1 0 0

Hi, did you find a solution for this? I am also getting a technical error message on my Shopify website

2 0 1

Yes. You need to log is as administrator on opayo to get the key. Once I had this it worked seamlessly (so far).

I had to log in with admin and I was logging in as a user somehow ..