What are the benefits of activating multi-origin shipping in my business?

What are the benefits of activating multi-origin shipping in my business?

Shopify Partner
42 2 8

I'm scared with the "Activating multi-origin shipping can’t be undone" message. Not sure what it will do for our business

I currently have 4 locations activated

  1. Main location and my own warehouse
  2. Dropshipping (5 different suppliers 
  3. SupplierNoStock (4 different suppliers, but I get no automatic stock input)
  4. Secondary location (small own warehouse)

Dropshipping location is updated every 15min and 6 hours depending on the supplier with stock values. 

A typical order is usually fulfilled from one location (about 70% from Dropshipping) but the other 30% could be split between 2 or even 3 suppliers, or 2 from one supplier and 1 from my own Main location. 

What would be the benefits of turning on multi shipping origin (if any?) and with the above input, how should I typically configure Shopify to manage our stock. 

Replies 3 (3)

61 0 5

I think you need to use different apps to help manage your business. I recommend that if you're doing shopify dropshipping ,you can try Ourmall, which can help orders autofulfillment, multi-supplier management, sync ship tracking, product sourcing,etc. http://bit.ly/38FP8Sl

Shopify Partner
42 2 8

I don't Dropshipp like it means in this forum. I got my Swedish suppliers that ship for me (and I add all orders manually in their systems) and I use manual fulfillment inside Shopify.

Nope, not very effective, but it has worked so far (15orders / day). 


2 0 0

Did you get a clear answer on the "Activating multi-origin shipping can’t be undone" 

I am also struggling with clicking this link till I clearly understand. I am a 1 location brick and mortar with online.  I have customers that want to just shop online and pick up.

Any insight you have learned is appreciated.