Why are my payment verifications still on hold after account ownership transfer?

Why are my payment verifications still on hold after account ownership transfer?

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hi there my shopify payments are on hold because shopify is asking for verification for the account opener who was under 18. we then transfered ownership to someone above 18 but it is asking for verification for the account opener. please help with this issue so i can receive my payments 


Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff (Retired)
1122 79 174

Hi there, @alarmateshop


Welcome to the Community! Definitely a great place to gather some input regarding anything about the platform!


With regards to your inquiry, I recommend you reach out to our live support team for assistance about this matter. Once they verify your account information, they can open up back end information which we do not have access over social channels, and they can dig deeper to see how best to move forward regarding this matter. 


I have also attached this help document for your reference so you can see all possible documents that we accept regarding this process on your Shopify Payment Payouts. 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.