Focusing on managing products, variants, and collections through the API.
Here is what I'm trying to achieve, the client when using my Shopify app has a dropzone where he can upload images, I'm trying to save those images to the files in his store, I have tried but I keep getting the processor error when I check the files dashboard of the store.
I read somewhere that there needs to be a third step between the stagedUploadsCreate mutation and the fileCreate mutation, which is to prepare a form and commence uploading!
Here are the resources I checked:
I have tried it but it never works for me at all.
The staged response does indeed return a url and paameters but that's the last successful step that happens.
Here is what I'm trying to achieve, the client when using my Shopify app has a dropzone where he can upload images, I'm trying to save those images to the files in his store, I have tried but I keep getting the processor error when I check the files dashboard of the store.
The following is supposed to communicate with the server the image file the client is uploading.'/api/upload-endpoint', async (req, res) => {
try {
if (!req.files || !req.files.file) {
return res.status(400).json({ error: 'No file uploaded' });
const uploadedFile = req.files.file;
const formData = new FormData();
// Define the stagedUploadsCreate mutation input
const input = [
resource: 'IMAGE',
httpMethod: 'POST',
mimeType: uploadedFile.mimetype,
fileSize: uploadedFile.size.toString(),
// Create a staged upload URL using stagedUploadsCreate mutation
let stagedUploadResponse = await fetchUploadImageFile(res.locals.shopify.session, input);
const stagedTarget =[0];
//passing the parameters
stagedTarget.parameters.forEach(({name, value}) =>
formData.append(name, value);
//Passing the file as argument (should be last), I tried to pass only the file instead but that didn't change anything.
formData.append('file',, {
contentType: uploadedFile.mimetype,
// Now, we upload the file
const fileCreateResponse = await fetch(stagedTarget.url, {
method: 'POST',
body: formData,
let myArrayOfFiles = new Array();
const paramObj =
"alt": "Image Alt!",
"originalSource": stagedTarget.resourceUrl,
"contentType": "IMAGE",
const myResultIs2 = await fetchUploadImageFileContinue(res.locals.shopify.session, myArrayOfFiles);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error handling file upload:', error);
res.status(500).json({ error: 'An error occurred' });
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('file', filesArray.current[0]);
const response = await fetch2('/api/upload-endpoint', {
method: 'POST',
body: formData,
export default async function fetchUploadImageFile(
session, myArr
) {
const client = new shopify.api.clients.Graphql({ session });
try {
const myData = await client.query({
data: {
"query": `mutation stagedUploadsCreate($input: [StagedUploadInput!]!) {
stagedUploadsCreate(input: $input) {
stagedTargets {
parameters {
"input": myArr
return myData;
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof GraphqlQueryError) {
throw new Error(
`${error.message}\n${JSON.stringify(error.response, null, 2)}`
} else {
throw error;
export default async function fetchUploadImageFileContinue(
session, filesArray
) {
const client = new shopify.api.clients.Graphql({ session });
try {
const myData = await client.query({
data: {
"query": `mutation fileCreate($files: [FileCreateInput!]!) {
fileCreate(files: $files) {
files {
"variables": {
"files": filesArray
return myData;
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof GraphqlQueryError) {
throw new Error(
`${error.message}\n${JSON.stringify(error.response, null, 2)}`
} else {
throw error;
same issue with me, any updates?