Can Indiana-issued gift cards expire in one year?

Can Indiana-issued gift cards expire in one year?

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Can gift cards issued in indiana have an expiration date of one year?

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
2067 273 248

Hi @Blushingbeaus,


Thank you for reaching out to the Community! I'm happy to provide some assistance with creating and issuing gift cards, to ensure this gets resolved. 


To provide some context, gift cards do have the ability to have an expiration date set. It is however, important to note that different countries have laws surrounding gift card expiry dates and always recommend consulting a legal professional. For more information on managing gift cards, I recommend checking out our Gift Card FAQ documentation. 


To issue a gift card, you can:


  • Head to Products > Gift Card, from the Shopify admin.
  • Select Issue Gift Card in the top right hand corner. 
  • Find or create a customer you'd like to issue the gift card too.
  • Set an Initial Value
  • Set an Expiration Date.
  • Select Activate. 


As you're looking to set an expiration date for gift cards issued in Indiana specifically, you would have to manually complete this for each card that's activated. I can completely understand the impact of this and am happy to share this with our developers. We are always looking for ways to improve the platform and appreciate this feedback. 


Please let me know if you have any other concerns. 

Blair | Shopify 
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