When will bundle support be available in the POS channel?

When will bundle support be available in the POS channel?

12 0 13



Does anyone know when the Shopify bundles will be supported in the POS channel? I am not interested in using or paying for another app, as this platform is pricey for small shops like ours. I cannot believe that Shopify delivered an incomplete feature. Can someone from Shopify provide an ETA? I hope that it is in the backlog and roadmap somewhere. 

Replies 4 (4)

1 0 0

Have you heard anything on this yet? I just started using Shopify bundles and I’m bummed to know that I can’t see my bundled products on POS. 

Shopify Staff
3110 473 650

Hi @inspiredtobe 


At this time bundles created with Shopify Bundles are not supported with Shopify POS. This is definitely a feature we are considering and we continue to provide merchant feedback to our developers on this topic. You can keep an eye on our Changelog for any updates on this in the future. 


Thank you for sharing your feedback on this topic, please continue to do so!

Shay | Social Care @ Shopify 
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12 0 13



Thanks, but it is very, very unfortunate that that this feature is not supported in POS. It really seems to me that it should be a no brainer to make this available in the POS environment as it already works in the online channel. Just my 0.02$. 

2 0 1

Yes, Shopify needs to address this! It directly affects one's ability to sell. With Bundles (which is crucial), you cannot sell on FB, IG, Pinterest, or ANYTHING IN PERSON. Super significant issue that Shopify needs to address.