Re: My App Open in new Tab

How can I make my app open in the same tab?

Shopify Partner
248 22 38

I have one app which I am developing right now. After I install the app whenever open it from the admin app section the app it's always open in a new tab. I want them to app open on the same page as other apps open.

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Skype: live:hardikradadiya355
Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
20 1 10

Are you still experiencing this issue?

I had an issue yesterday where it would open the app in a new tab after oauth redirect. Couldnt figure out why this was happening as it was new behaviour I hadnt seen before and no code changes was made that could effect this.

I tried today again but now it seems to work as normal, no new tab open. Maybe there was some issue on shopify side on redirect yesterday?

Shopify Partner
248 22 38

Yes, I face the same issue again. I don't know why this happens. but I'm checking what is exactly the issue. 

If helpful then please Like and Accept Solution.
For App Development and Design changes Hire Me.
Skype: live:hardikradadiya355
Shopify Partner
12 0 2

it same on my app
any idea how to handle this ?