How can I manage option stocks for logo printing on socks?

How can I manage option stocks for logo printing on socks?

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Good morning,
I am contacting you because I am looking for a solution for something very specific.

I explain to you :
I am selling 2 models of socks which each have 2 colors (black and white)

The variants:

MODEL A in BLACK color (100 in stock)
MODEL A in WHITE color (100 in stock)
MODEL B in BLACK color (100 in stock)
MODEL B in WHITE color (100 in stock)

As an option, I would like my client to be able to choose between 2 logos (which I define myself). I purchased 10 quantities of each logo. With my heating machine, I will be able to print them on the socks.

My question is if you know of any application or solution to manage options stocks. In other words, I only have 10 quantities per logo in stock, so I absolutely must be able to set the available stock at 10 for each logo.

I hope you understand my question.

Very good day to you


Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
1996 147 205

Hi @HugoH1 ,


Let me know if I understand it correct.


We have two different products 

1 socks

2 logo


The product is socks where you will able to show the logo.


now when a user will transact for socks along with logo.


Inventory will automatically deduct for socks but you also want to deduct the inventory of logos??

If yes, then yes this can be done by custom code in theme.


let me know your thoughts…




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