How can we set up self-ordering for factory tour guests?

How can we set up self-ordering for factory tour guests?

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Hi, we are a manufacturer and not a retail store. But we do give a lot of factory tours and when those guests are here, we'd like to give them an ipad for them to be able to view our online store, add items to cart, place and pay for their order, and then we'll pull their items from our stockroom for them to take with them. This would not be high volume, perhaps 10-15 orders per week.

I was looking at the Shopify POS app but that seems more geared for a true retail setup where customers bring physical items to the counter to checkout with a staff member using the app.

While the POS app could work for what we want to do via the Products menu, I don't want our tour guests to have access to our full Shopify store settings (orders, customers, register, staff, etc.). Is there some way to accomplish what we are trying to do and how we want our tour guests to be able to order when they are visiting our factory?

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
119 1 12

Hi @mc_mark,

You can take a look at ConnectPOS since you can assign roles and permissions for the person who interacts with the POS. You can set up what guests can do, for example, they cannot interfere with your Shopify Setting yet they still can interact with your products on the POS. However, if they really place the order, the stock will be deducted from Shopify inventory. So it'll be quite tricky in this scenario.

Hope this idea can help you somehow. If you need more suggestions or consultation relating to POS, don't hesitate to contact us here

ConnectPOS - Shopify POS app for PC, Android, iOS, omnichannel retail, inventory control.