Need to send automated thank you emails?

Shopify Partner
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Use Engagely to send personalised automated thank you emails to your customers.

How it works?

- When a new order comes in, Engagely takes care of queueing/sending thank you emails for new customers or repeat customers making their 1st or 2nd order.
- Customers don't need to be subscribed to a list in order to receive your thank you emails.
- Choose when to send thank you emails: When the customer receives their order, or when a customer pays for their order.
- Schedule the thank you emails to be sent 1h to 72h after the customer receives their order or pays for their order.
- View and export reports of emails sent: Delivered, Opened, Complaints
- Manage queued emails, meaning you can stop thank you emails from being sent out by removing queued emails from the queue.

Engagely is FREE to use. You only pay for the emails you send out. 500 emails sign-up bonus.

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