What are the best POD apps for quality print on Shopify?

What are the best POD apps for quality print on Shopify?

24 0 6

I'm on the search for the best POD app and thought I'd pick the brains of all the other Shopify merchants.  

I've been using SPOD for about four months and have been fairly pleased with them overall.  But, I've had a few customer complaints about shirts/hoodies being printed poorly (i.e. crooked images, incorrect images, off-center images, etc.)  This led me to install and sample four more POD apps on the search for which one produces the highest quality printed shirts and hoodies.  Below are the comparisons.  

I'd be interested to know other's experiences with POD apps so I know which to sample next and which to avoid.

POD apps sampled and the results: (for my highly scientific test I created similar shirts on each of these apps to compare the same image across all apps)

  1. SPOD - This is the app I've used the most.  Fair print quality usually but prone to off-center and crooked printing and the occasional use of the wrong image altogether.
  2. Fuel - By far the best printed shirt I've sampled.  The image was ever so slightly off-center but not so much that it'd be an issue or noticeable by most.
  3. CustomCat - Not printed well at all.  The ink didn't print solidly and had speckled holes with the shirt showing through.  The image looked vintage but wasn't designed to be that way.
  4. TeeLaunch - Took a few days longer to receive this shirt but the image was printed with quality ink but was crooked.
  5. Printful - Printed slightly crooked and off-center. The image printed with similar quality as the SPOD shirt.

Which other POD apps should I try?

Replies 4 (4)

3 0 2

So far I use Printful and Print Melon.....I might be looking to changing print melon as they don't seem to answer my emails.  I'm trying to run/start a business and if questions are not answered I cannot deal with them.  I will checkout Fuel...thanks for the info.   

24 0 6

Thanks for the comment!  I haven't tried Print Melon but sounds like I should remove them from my list of possible apps since they have a slow response to emails.  

24 0 6

What's been your impression with Printful?  Any issues with quality, etc?

3 0 2

So far I'm content....As of now I only have one clothing item produced by them....I have them make my accessories and so far they are ok.  They also seem responsive when communicating...Things get produced and shipped pretty quickly..I'm a tall guys so it seems hard to find Quality + Large sizes on these apps.   (I also just got suspended from google marketplace for Misrepresentation lol I need some help)