What free countdown app allows mid-page displays?

What free countdown app allows mid-page displays?

205 1 31

I am looking for an app which I can use for free.


I need the countdown to be displayed on my Home Page but half way down it. I do not want it as a banner. 


I've tried to use a few Countdown apps but they are either on a monthly subscriptions or they do not allow mid-page shows. 



By L&S Team
Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
45 1 11

Hey I made a video about how to add a countdown timer to a Shopify store without using an app.
This should be able to work on your homepage and any other page that allows you to use sections.
Check it out and let me know if it helps.
Video: https://youtu.be/vq2KihH5VPs

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