Why isn't my product catalog appearing on Tik Tok?

Why isn't my product catalog appearing on Tik Tok?

48 0 14

So, I finally joined Tik Tok and I want to start selling on their platform. I downloaded the Tik Tok app to my store and linked my account. However, my products are not showing up in the Shop tab on Tik Tok. My products have been approved for ads, but that is it. Unlike Facebook and Instagram that automatically import your catalog, Tik Tok appears not to do that, or am I wrong? I tried adding my products individually but it became confusing. I then tried syncing my catalog using the After Ship sync app, but it said my store was already linked via another platform, which I assume is simply Shopify itself. Anyway, has anyone successfully imported their product catalog to Tik Tok and can share instructions?

Replies 7 (7)

48 0 14

Here is a view of my empty Tik Tok Shop tab. No idea how to add my products. Have literally been trying for over 6 hours.

48 0 14

Here is a view of my empty Tik Tok Shop tab. No idea how to add my products. Have literally been trying for over 6 hours.



345 24 50

Honestly, TiKTok is very confusing, indeed, and I managed to get our products there by simple luck and randomness. Probable wouldn`t be able to help much, but I think this is how we`ve done it:



1. Open TikTok Store Manager (ads.tiktok.com)

2. In Product tab filter those that are not displayed in shopping tab & approved ones (see screenshot)


tiktok shop.JPG


3. Then you toggle that button to display the products you want to.


Takes a minute for changes to apply, but that`s it, I think.


From what I noticed, even tho catalogue is connected with Shopify, you still have to change product status (active / unactive) manually.

Feel free to like my post if it was helpful at all
48 0 14

I have stared at the screenshot for hours and I just do not see anything like that in ads.tiktok.com. I am not able to filter what I see in your image. I am adding a screenshot to show you what I see.

Thank you 🙂


Screenshot 2023-07-21 at 7.29.15 AM.png

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Hah, took me some time to figure out what is going on 😄 You are on Catalogue Manager, but you need to go to Store Manager

Feel free to like my post if it was helpful at all
345 24 50

It should look like this. I dunno, maybe link somehow will help you to get there. Honestly, I am constantly confused on TikTok :DDD


store manager.JPG


Feel free to like my post if it was helpful at all
48 0 14

After about 3 or 4 days TikTok’s less than stellar customer service finally got back to me with an answer. You cannot just sync your Shopify store to TikTok and your products show. According to them, that function no longer exists. All you can do is sell your products via TikTok’s own platform. You will have to add your products manually or download another app to sync them. You have to set up shipping on TikTok, which is not as easy as it may sound. You are essentially opening a whole new store. This explains why I saw few if any of my contemporaries with a shop over there. In addition, I hear TikTok takes a huge portion of your sales and customers can easily get refunds and free products. After learning all this, I deleted the app from my store. 👎