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HiI'm new and want to solve a grid problem. I want the images to be on the same line. Can you please help. I will be grateful if you help
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I got a weird email from   are these your guys...
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Hi! my customers need to choose a song to their product. I want them to have a few alrernative. i want this on the product site and make it possible f...
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Hello, I would like to remove this grey line around my transparent image. I tried this code but it didn't work .se...
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Hello guys, Can anyone help me remove the padding/margin from above sections on my home page please? Don't want such a white gap. thanks in advance!
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How do I get rid of the shadow below the Email Sign Up Section specifically without removing shadow for any other block.
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Hello.Can someone explain to me how to remove the "Sale" button in the Trade theme?I've tried a lot of things and found answers here.But nothing is he...
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Hi all,I want the "SHOP NOW" button text to change when someone hovers over it.This is how I want it to look when no one is hovering over it.This is h...
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Hello, I would like to be able to hyperlink images in the multicolumn section to go to different pages so that when the image is clicked, a user gets ...
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as the title says, and why $2.09? why that specific number ALSO why is it only $3,99 for 1 item order and not for orders with more than 1 item.It just...
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I have been on Shopify for about 15 years. When I first started almost every app was free. Then they started to charge and it was usually a few buc...
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Hello ! I would like to make this multicolumn section full widht. In order to make the images bigger and the multicolumn more aesthetic with the desi...
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This is going to sound truly weird. Yesterday I received a package with a pair of pink rubber slides.I NEVER ordered them. I've NEVER ordered anything...
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Hi!We recently migrated from squarespace to shopify with hydrogen. Our new store is really fast but not as fast as the example store whi...
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I’ve run into a problem connecting Facebook and Instagram accounts to two Shopify stores. Here's a summary of the situation:I initially launched Store...
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I didn't have this issue when I first did the collapsible rows, but today I checked it and for some reason anything I type in the description of the c...
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Hello! Since it's going to be very hard to explain this one, here's the link to my website:
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I'm in big mess right now with Shopify payment. I had about over $35k in my payout balance and $37 in reserved balance so in total I had over $70k. I ...
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How to adjust the text display length in the created page?
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