Can I add a button to a looping video on my custom liquid section?

Can I add a button to a looping video on my custom liquid section?

10 0 3

Hello, Is it possible to put a button on a video, I made a custom liquid section where I put a looping video, which I wanted to use as my first image on the site, behind the transparent header (I tried making a gif, but the correct size and quality made the gif twice as large as the video). If thats not possible I would have to sacrifice the quality by using a gif with a lower quality and framerate, thanks.


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Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
258 35 46

Hello @keipers ,


It's possible, you can use html5 video tag.

<video width="320" height="240" controls autoplay muted loop poster="default.jpg">
  <source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4">
  <source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ogg">
Your browser does not support the video tag.



Custom theme and app [remix] expert.

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10 0 3

The problem was not inserting the video, the problem is idk how and if its possible to put a button on top of it, that would lead user to the all product section.

Shopify Partner
258 35 46

the problem is idk? what IDK? can you explain briefer, where you want button middle of every video?

Custom theme and app [remix] expert.

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What I want is a button in the middle of the video. You can see how i want it to be at the very top of the site(there is a gif with a button that says "Our collection"), basically what i want is to have this "our collection" button in the middle of the video(video is located right under the gif and the button would lead the customer to the all products section). As an example we can use this site: (in this websites case there are 2 buttons)