Change gift card image in email

Shopify Partner
128 12 34

Good day, i am trying to change the gift card image in the email sent to the client,

I already uploaded the Asset and changed the code in the gift_card.liquid file and assigned the right asset to it.

However the email image is still the same:



Does anyone know how i can edit the image in the email ??

Store url:

Thank you very much for the help in advance!

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
128 12 34

Here is the code for the gift_card.liquid file:

{%- layout 'gift_card' -%}

<header class="Header Header--sidebar Header--initialized">
  <div class="Header__Wrapper Header__Wrapper--center">
    <a href="{{ shop.url }}" class="Header__LogoLink">
      <span class="Heading u-h4">{{ }}</span>

<div class="GiftCard {% if gift_card.expired or gift_card.enabled != true %}GiftCard--disabled{% endif %}" data-section-id="gift-card" data-section-type="gift-card">
  <div class="Container">
    <div class="PageContent">
      <h1 class="GiftCard__SubText Heading u-h1">{{ 'gift_card.issued.subtext' | t }}</h1>

      {%- capture print_link -%}
        <a href="#" id="PrintGiftCard" class="Link Link--underlineNative">{{ 'gift_card.issued.print' | t }}</a>
      {%- endcapture -%}

      <p class="GiftCard__Redeem">{{ 'gift_card.issued.redeem_html' | t: print_link: print_link }}</p>

      <div class="GiftCard__Wrapper">
        {%- if gift_card.enabled and gift_card.expired == false -%}
          <div class="Alert Alert--success">
            {%- assign formatted_initial_value = gift_card.initial_value | money_without_trailing_zeros: gift_card.currency -%}
            <p>{{ 'gift_card.issued.initial_amount_html' | t: initial_amount: formatted_initial_value }}</p>

            {%- if gift_card.balance != gift_card.initial_value -%}
              {%- assign formatted_balance = gift_card.balance | money_without_trailing_zeros: gift_card.currency -%}
              <p>{{ 'gift_card.issued.remaining_balance_html' | t: balance: formatted_balance }}</p>
            {%- endif -%}

            {%- if gift_card.expires_on -%}
              {%- assign gift_card_expiry_date = gift_card.expires_on | date: format: 'month_day_year' -%}
              <p>{{ 'gift_card.issued.expires_on' | t: expiry: gift_card_expiry_date }}</p>
            {%- endif -%}
        {%- else -%}
          <div class="Alert Alert--error">
            {%- if gift_card.expired and gift_card.enabled -%}
              {%- assign gift_card_expiry_date = gift_card.expires_on | date: format: 'month_day_year' -%}
              <p>{{ 'gift_card.issued.expired' | t: expiry: gift_card_expiry_date }}</p>
            {%- else -%}
              <p>{{ 'gift_card.issued.disabled' | t }}</p>
            {%- endif -%}
        {%- endif -%}

        <div class="GiftCard__IllustrationWrapper">
          <img class="GiftCard__Illustration" src="{{ 'Email-Card.png' | asset_img_url: '1024x1024' }}" alt="{{ 'gift_card.issued.illustration_alt' | t }}">
          <span class="GiftCard__CodeHolder Heading u-h6">{{ gift_card.code | format_code }}</span>

        <div id="QrCode" class="GiftCard__QrCode" data-identifier="{{ gift_card.qr_identifier }}"></div>

      <div class="ButtonGroup">
        {%- if gift_card.pass_url -%}
          <div class="ButtonGroup__Item">
            <a href="{{ gift_card.pass_url }}" class="GiftCard__apple-wallet">
              <img class="apple-wallet-image" src="{{ 'gift-card/add-to-apple-wallet.svg' | shopify_asset_url }}" width="120" height="40" alt="{{ 'gift_card.issued.add_to_apple_wallet' | t }}">
        {%- endif -%}

        <div class="ButtonGroup__Item">
          <a href="{{ shop.url }}" class="Button Button--primary" target="_blank">{{ 'gift_card.issued.shop_link' | t }}</a>

<script>'--header-height', document.getElementById('shopify-section-header').offsetHeight + 'px');

Where can i change the one inside the email ?

Shopify Partner
12289 2547 3698


Please share your giftcard image name 


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Shopify Partner
128 12 34


The name of the asset is, email-card.png