Re: Remove /Pages from URL my store

How can I remove '/Pages' from my store's URL?

1 0 5


Is there any way to remove /Pages from URL.Currently, my page URL is ".com/pages/about-us" i want to change to ".com/about-us".I tried URL redirect method Navigation settings and edit the code from theme.liquid to like this,

{% if template contains 'collection' and current_tags %}
<meta name="robots" content="noindex" />
<link rel="canonical" href="{{ shop.url }}{{ collection.url }}" />
{% else %}
<link rel="canonical" href="{{ canonical_url }}" />
{% endif %}

Still it did not work. Please help me.Thank you.

Replies 172 (172)
1 0 5

Google ranks pages based on the keywords used but also on the type of page / link optimized (homepage, category, subcategory, product).

A page will have a higher indexing force on a keyword depending on the type of page that word is targeted to, as follows:
1-Homepage - the most powerful
2-Page of category - second most poweful
3-Page of subcategory - 3 rd most powerful
4-Product page - 4th most powerful


By example: If i target the keyword "business suits" in category page (link,meta title and meta description), google will rank me better than other site who target same keyword in subcategory page (link, meta title, meta description).


My link in google search will look like and the other shop link will look like


In the real life, on Shopify, if i want to target same keyword in category page, my link will look like , and that means you've just downgraded me into a subcategory page and the other shop can rank better than me and outperform me in the position of google search. Not to mention how ridiculous is the url  instead of   or  how bad is compared to beside the huge negative impact on SEO


All other SEO techniques that are permited by Shopify (meta titles, Meta description) ARE USELESS without the link optimization and the site will remain mediocre.

I hope we made ourselves clear and this issue will be soon gone. If not, i think that a lot of your customers will change boats and many websites will leave Shopify.

2 0 1

Hi Lizzy, what is the scope set in using API:    "POST","/admin/api/2020-04/redirects.json", Please let me know.

1 0 0

Where do I add this code please?


POST /admin/redirects.json{
  "redirect": {
    "path": "/about-us",
    "target": "/pages/about-us"


Shopify Partner
11207 226 2317

@ukatocreaitons wrote:

Where do I add this code please?


That code you've posted is for the API so won't be code you _paste_ into your store. There's already a section in the Admin to create your url redirects if you need them. Some info on that here:


★ I jump on these forums in my free time to help and share some insights. Not looking to be hired, and not looking for work. ★
3 0 0

Hey !


This seems great, but where do I actually enter said "code"/"path ? 

Just onto my page text itself ? Or in some backend folder/ file ? If so which one ? 





New Member
4 0 0

Hi @Lisa  Can you please tell me where to put this code.

2 0 1

API: admin/redirects.json

@Lisa wrote:

Hi, there! 

Lisa here from the Social Care Team. The navigation redirect will not help with what you're trying to achieve by removing 'pages' in your URL. Please try the instructions in this document here to update the path to the target URL. 

When you provide a full URL as the value of the path property, it will be saved as an absolute path without the domain. For example, "path": "" will be saved as "path": "springwear".

You then need to create a manual redirect by allocating this path to its target:

POST /admin/redirects.json
  "redirect": {
    "path": "/about-us",
    "target": "/pages/about-us"

Hopefully, this will help mask the 'pages' and allow you to just show .com/about-us when sharing your page. 

Best of luck! 

- Lisa

Hi, there!  Please let me know  Scopes in this API.

1 0 8

Hey @Nick,

I just wanted to add my opinion to it because I think it will add a lot of value to your developers. I'm currently new to Shopify and I love the platform, it's so simple! But having the paths already pre-set without the option to change them makes my store look cheap, generic and doesn't seem very personalised for the customer experience. 


I'm more focused on this issue because I'm using a theme builder app to make a fully custom collections page, instead of using the default theme's collection page because it has restrictions, and the URL structure is more annoying to map when it's one I can't customise. 


The website is my brand and personal image, and I think this is going to be a big turning point for new customers. As my website is still being developed along with my product, I'm happy I clocked onto this earlier rather than later. I'm going to keep watch on this post because Shopify was my first choice; when I reach my marketing stage and ensure my pages are optimised, I really hope this is available, otherwise it's going to give me much larger cost implications to compete with major brands who already have this and can reach top pages within search engines. I'm a start up company, and I don't have funds to pay out unnecessary cash to make a more aggressive campaign/better optimisation when competitors already have this feature which doesn't cost anything.  

1 0 0

How do I do this? Can you give me more detailed steps? How do I even find this to then edit the code?

1 0 2

Hi @Lizzy I am not a developer and am new to Shopify. After reviewing this entire thread, this appears to be the only recommendation that will provide a fix until Shopify fixes this globally. Can you tell me where I need to put this code you mentioned above? 

POST /admin/redirects.json
  "redirect": {
    "path": "/about-us",
    "target": "/pages/about-us"

I just want to get it fixed as simply as possible for now. Thank you so much for your help and patience with all of our frustrations with this.  

1 0 0

Hello @Nick 

I own a few websites on Shopify. Please add my name to the list.



3 0 8

From what I understand the framework that Shopify uses (Ruby on Rails) uses routing to pull information from the Shopify admin. Routing uses paths like / pages / or / products / to keep everything clean and speedy, and uses request strings for organizational logic to access varying resources, so that differing templates are provided the resources they need for publishing dynamic page content and or services.

But anything after the path is customizable through the 'Edit SEO' section found at the bottom of product pages.

I don't think Shopify can change Ruby on Rails routing convention (it would be easier to change development frameworks). But there is a workaround that works for me. With Cloudfare and their Cloud Workers function it is possible to mask part of the url (for example "/ page" or "/ collection") and allow for alternate delivery paths and even deliver alternate resources for requests.

It's not super easy to implement, but with some basic js knowledge even non-developers (like me) can. All information at the following link:

1 0 0

Hi there,


Does this process have to be done via API or can it be done within the code via my Shopify account admin?


Thank you!

Shopify Partner
8 0 7

No, there is no any solution on this yet.

14 0 85

Does anyone know if we got this feature yet?


We've had the same thing waiting and and waiting - asking Shopify to implement a protection system on the cart so shoppers can't just check how much stock we have. Big brands have been caught out on this. 


Shopify I don't understand why we are waiting for basic functionality like this. We pay money for this service (some of us thousands in fees, subscriptions, themes, etc) and our business (which should be your priority) is just being forgotten.


I don't want to move to another ecommerce platform because I've spend years learning the ins and outs of Shopify. Can you guys just fix these really simple and basic issues. I remember I could set my own URLs back on my Piczo 12 years ago.

Shopify Partner
1 0 2
After so many years,  Shopify still ignores this problem


24 0 5

in which place we have to add this code to by pass pages word from link @Lisa 

POST /admin/redirects.json
"redirect": {
"path": "/available-now",
"target": "/pages/available-now"

3 0 0

hi Lisa,

it will really help me if you give me the file path or menu where should i add the above code.


thank you 

3 0 0

@Anonymous can you tell me where can i add

1 0 0

I wondered if you can help me with my link to redirect and get rid of the pages from my site. 

41 0 14

This is crazy, I cant' believe they're just not responding with even a comment back from the devs.

11 0 9

Hi @Lizzy , it's been an year, Can you please confirm or update? whether you have or not? without wasting time for the People who are still looking for this?

3 0 3
I second that! Thank you!
11 0 9

Hi @Lizzy @Julie Anyone can respond please, At least say it can be done or not? if you confirm, then we leave it if can't be fixed but don't treat customers by not responding on something which is urgent, let me know on this immediately

2 0 0

@shopify @DanielWeinand @TobiasLütke @ScottLake

We would like you to take ownership and respond to this super urgent issue that must be resolved as your employees are not responding.

8 0 13

I agree, as customers we deserve at least an update after a whole year. Last October you @Lizzy said you'd present this issue to the developers (which you said you have done before too, by the way). Is this change planned, or not?
Please give us some honest answers.

11 0 9

@Lizzy @Nick @TyW @Alex23 @SeanP @Lisa @Jason  @Julie 


Can any one of you can respond please? I was new to Shopify? do you want me to use Shopify? or else you show your Unaccepted behavior of not being respond to customers like as if you don't care and you treat customers very badly without responding to what they been asking since a year. It was being asked whether is there any chance or not? i.e either say yes or else No but don't keep calm

1 0 1

Pleaseeeeeeee get rid of the unnecessary url paths. I've got more chance of having my pages show up on the TV than I do Google right now.

Shopify Partner
2971 571 922


It's not possible. However it won't negatively impact your SEO, so don't worry.

Shopify is a billions dollar business, they have everything setup in the best way possible out of the box to make you thrive. 

Shopify Partner
8 0 7

This feature have been requested for more that 3years? and still no solution lol.

32 0 12

This is outrageous!! Get us the feature!

1 0 1

I really want Shopify to help us with this !

New member: 2021


Shopify ! Please !


9 0 1
I'm currently testing Shopify and unfortunately I noticed exactly this problem with the URL paths. We are currently using Magento and are on the first page with some content pages. With this problem we would definitely lose places on google and thus also less sales. I would love to switch to Shopify, but please give us the opportunity. Not only shop operators would benefit from it, but Shopify itself too.

Please give us a quick update.

Thank you
Shopify Partner
8 0 7

Shopify changelog

in case you want to see all the upcoming changes.

1 0 2


I'm just one more developer in the sea of everybody who needs this feature.

I have to agree with everyone that the fact that this has been requested since 2015 (on another thread) and is still not implemented is confusing. I'm sure Shopify cares about it, if only for the sake of their own customer satisfaction, which leads me to believe that it must involve an overhaul of their whole framework. However, this doesn't quite make sense, as literally every web framework and webserver has methods to customize url's. I'm a software developer, so I understand that changing these is a significant time cost. But it definitely is possible if you have engineers worth their salt and product managers who know how to prioritize (with this issues having hundreds of people specifically requesting it, the priority should be clear, so it's either the engineers or the roadmap coordinators). As an engineer I also know how hard it is to promise specific timelines for a new feature, but to not have this issue actively being worked on (that has been communicated to us) by this point seems like a clear lack of appropriate prioritization.

1 0 0

I have numerous Shopify sites. But now I'm leaving for other platforms because of this one single issue. It is utter garbage that it doesn't affect your SEO. Ask any professional SEO agency.
R.I.P Shopify

8 0 5

I'm not a big van of the /pages /collections, etc., URL paths, but I think a lot of people here are pretty wrong on the impact of it on SEO. I thought when I switched to Shopify it would hurt my SEO due to the URL paths (but mostly I find them annoying), but they actually don't. For a lot of my main keywords I'm sitting #1 or #2, and others still on the first page. Maybe you should consider your SEO and copy is bad  and that's why you're unsuccessful. Although I do wish they would get rid of it, I'm not convinced it hurts your SEO. 

32 0 12

Shopify!!!! Where are you?

No explanation, nothing.

Let us change the robots, the url system all that.

Shopify Staff (Retired)
4531 434 1030

Hi @Andre_Borges,

The development team is aware of this feature request and each piece of relevant or new feedback from this thread has been added to the request. I have made sure to add it as it is mentioned to keep the team informed. 

There is still no update and I still can't offer any timeline on this. As soon as there is information to give, I will be sure to update this thread. 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

New Member
7 0 0

Also from the Netherlands the explicit request to remedy this problem. I enjoy using Shopify but this problem also bothers me a lot... 

1 0 0

Agreed with the other 13 pages. This feature is completely necessary and makes Shopify websites feel incomplete.

32 0 12

"There is still no update and I still can't offer any timeline on this."

@Nick This is exactly the problem here.

Nothing from Shopify besides some wishful sentences that one day maybe...

thats not the way to cater to customers that pay 140$ a month honestly, im sure some even pay more depending...

Customers should have a saying in what features are next. There are a lot of topics in this forum with a lot of pages with people asking for features, again and again and we are not listened to.

11 0 42

Guys you can stop commenting...they do not care.  Want to know why Shopify is so successful? It's because they market to the NEWBIES and the suckers just starting out - aka most of the world.  Needing more control of the brand, we took all of our clients elsewhere...If you care about looking professional then I suggest you all do the same.

Shopify Partner
8 0 7

Hi, waht platform are you using now?

1 0 0

Hi, what platform did you guys switch to? We are considering switching as well. The /pages URL looks so cheap.

32 0 12

See we pay for this service, we all invested heavily on it and Shopify makes a fortune with us.

Why are you thinking about moving? Lets demand and organize to get the features we need.
We at least need to have some logical very clear and technical explanation as to why things are the way they are.

Pros and Cons, all that.

We cant fathom a good explanation to have this url structure but we should be all ears, nevertheless its ridiculous that 14 pages later nothing as happened including in this latest Unite - a marketing campaign they had recently.


3 0 8

Shopify, do you not realize how extremely AMATEUR it looks to visitors to a site to see /pages - What are we back in 1999? Like hello? 

This will actually negatively affect conversions for every single user on shopify. Your product is inferior to others because of this terrible (forced) url structure. 

3 0 8

BigCommerce rocks

7 0 5

This is quite upsetting. 14 pages and still no resolution?  

2 0 4

Any update?


Does the json work for About or Blog?


So weird to have: