How to add a border to tables in Streamline theme?

How to add a border to tables in Streamline theme?

3 0 0

We're using streamline theme and have various tables throughout our site (product pages / delivery / FAQs etc). How can I add a border to these tables? Thanks

Replies 5 (5)

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1186 171 174

@YOLO10 Could you please share your store URL? so can check and guide you accordingly. 

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3 0 0

Sure, it's Thanks!

Shopify Partner
1186 171 174

@YOLO10 Please add the below line of CSS code at the end of your theme.css file


body table, body td{
border:1px solid #000;





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3 0 0

Thanks! I can see theme.css.liquid - is this the correct place? Thanks

Shopify Partner
1186 171 174

@YOLO10 Yes correct, just paste given code at the end of that file and save

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