How can I change $0 products to 'Get a Quote' on my website?

New Member
9 0 0

Hi There,
Can anyone please help me to change products on my site with $0 to show Get a quote and a contact us button to replace Add to cart & Buy now.

I have attached an image to show what im trying to achieve. thanksCapture.PNG


Replies 9 (9)

Shopify Expert
3571 639 917

Hi @mihalmaruf 

This is fairly simple to do, how is your Liquid knowledge? As this will be the main factor for the solution. Let us know!

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New Member
9 0 0

I have coding knowledge, if you can let me know what to add to what folder, that would be great. thanks.

Shopify Expert
3571 639 917

Fantastic, so you're going to be looking at the product.liquid template there, and search for the price display field.

Where it display the price you have to replace it with the following:

{% if product.price == 0 %}
<span>Call for Price</span>
What Was Already used to display the price

Let me know if that works!

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Should you need any direct help:

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New Member
9 0 0



I dont see any mention of price on the product.liquid file. I am using warehouse theme from shopify

Shopify Expert
3571 639 917

Hover of the "product-template" section name and scope to the file. You should be able to find all that info below

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Should you need any direct help:

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New Member
9 0 0

{%- capture section_settings -%}
"showShippingEstimator": {% if template == 'product.quick-view' or product.available == false %}false{% else %}{{ section.settings.show_shipping_estimator | json }}{% endif %},
"showQuantitySelector": {{ section.settings.show_quantity_selector | json }},
"showPaymentButton": {% if product.template_suffix == 'pre-order' %}false{% else %}{{ section.settings.show_payment_button | json }}{% endif %},
"showInventoryQuantity": {% if product.template_suffix != 'pre-order' %}{{ section.settings.show_inventory_quantity | json }}{% else %}false{% endif %},
"lowInventoryThreshold": {{ section.settings.low_inventory_threshold | json }},
"galleryTransitionEffect": {{ section.settings.carousel_effect | json }},
"enableImageZoom": {% if template == 'product.quick-view' %}false{% else %}{{ section.settings.enable_image_zoom | json }}{% endif %},
"zoomEffect": {{ section.settings.zoom_effect | json }},
"enableVideoLooping": {{ section.settings.enable_video_looping | json }},
"productOptions": {{ product.options | json | escape }},
"enableHistoryState": {% if template == 'product.quick-view' %}false{% else %}true{% endif %},
"infoOverflowScroll": {% if template == 'product.quick-view' %}false{% else %}true{% endif %},
"isQuickView": {% if template == 'product.quick-view' %}true{% else %}false{% endif %}
{%- endcapture -%}

<section data-section-id="{{ }}" data-section-type="product" data-section-settings='{{ section_settings }}'>
{%- if template != 'product.quick-view' -%}
<div class="container container--flush">
<div class="page__sub-header">
<nav aria-label="{{ 'general.breadcrumb.title' | t }}" class="breadcrumb">
<ol class="breadcrumb__list" role="list">
<li class="breadcrumb__item">
<a class="breadcrumb__link link" href="{{ routes.root_url }}">{{ 'general.breadcrumb.home' | t }}</a> {%- render 'icon', icon: 'arrow-right' -%}

<li class="breadcrumb__item">
{%- if collection -%}
<a class="breadcrumb__link link" href="{{ collection.url }}">{{ collection.title }}</a> {%- render 'icon', icon: 'arrow-right' -%}
{%- else -%}
<a class="breadcrumb__link link" href="{{ routes.all_products_collection_url }}">{{- 'collection.general.all_products' | t -}}</a> {%- render 'icon', icon: 'arrow-right' -%}
{%- endif -%}

<li class="breadcrumb__item">
<span class="breadcrumb__link" aria-current="page">{{ product.title | truncate: 40 }}</span>

{%- if collection.previous_product or collection.next_product -%}
<div class="page__navigation">
{%- if collection.previous_product -%}
<span class="page__navigation-item page__navigation-item--prev">
<a href="{{ collection.previous_product.url }}" class="link" rel="prev">{%- render 'icon', icon: 'arrow-left' -%} {{- 'product.general.previous_product' | t -}}</a>
{%- endif -%}

{%- if collection.next_product -%}
<span class="page__navigation-item page__navigation-item--next">
<a href="{{ collection.next_product.url }}" class="link" rel="next">{{- 'product.general.next_product' | t -}} {%- render 'icon', icon: 'arrow-right' -%}</a>
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}

<div class="product-block-list product-block-list--{{ section.settings.image_size }}">
<div class="product-block-list__wrapper">
{%- if > 0 -%}
<div class="product-block-list__item product-block-list__item--gallery">
{% render 'product-gallery' %}
{%- endif -%}

<div class="product-block-list__item product-block-list__item--info">
{% render 'product-info' %}

{%- if product.description != blank -%}
<div class="product-block-list__item product-block-list__item--description">
<div class="card">
{%- if section.settings.content_display_mode == 'collapse_all' -%}
<button class="card__collapsible-button" data-action="toggle-collapsible" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="product-description">
<span class="card__title heading h3">{{ 'product.general.description' | t }}</span>
<span class="plus-button plus-button--large"></span>

<div id="product-description" class="card__collapsible">
<div class="card__collapsible-content">
<div class="rte text--pull">
{{ product.description | remove: 'data-section-type="product"' }}
{%- else -%}
<div class="card__header">
<h2 class="card__title heading h3">{{ 'product.general.description' | t }}</h2>

{%- if section.settings.content_display_mode == 'show_all_and_expand_description' -%}
<div class="card__section">
<div class="rte text--pull">
{{ product.description | remove: 'data-section-type="product"' }}
{%- else -%}
<div class="card__section expandable-content" aria-expanded="false">
<div class="rte text--pull">
{{ product.description | remove: 'data-section-type="product"' }}

<button class="expandable-content__toggle">
<span class="expandable-content__toggle-icon"></span>
<span class="expandable-content__toggle-text" data-view-more="{{ 'product.general.view_more' | t | escape }}" data-view-less="{{ 'product.general.view_less' | t | escape }}">{{- 'product.general.view_more' | t -}}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}

{%- comment -%}
{%- endcomment -%}

{%- for i in (1..5) -%}
{%- assign unique_tab_title = '' -%}
{%- assign unique_tab_content = '' -%}

{%- comment -%}First check for metafields{%- endcomment -%}

{%- assign metafield_tab_title_option = 'tab_' | append: i | append: '_title' -%}
{%- assign metafield_tab_content_option = 'tab_' | append: i | append: '_content' -%}

{%- if product.metafields.sf_product_tabs[metafield_tab_title_option] != blank and product.metafields.sf_product_tabs[metafield_tab_content_option] != blank -%}
{%- assign unique_tab_title = product.metafields.sf_product_tabs[metafield_tab_title_option] -%}
{%- assign unique_tab_content = product.metafields.sf_product_tabs[metafield_tab_content_option] -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- assign tab_to_look = '__tab' | append: i | append: ':' -%}

{%- for tag in product.tags -%}
{%- if tag contains tab_to_look -%}
{%- assign unique_tab_handle = tag | split: tab_to_look | last -%}
{%- assign unique_tab_page = pages[unique_tab_handle] -%}

{%- unless unique_tab_page.empty? -%}
{%- assign unique_tab_title = unique_tab_page.title -%}
{%- assign unique_tab_content = unique_tab_page.content -%}
{%- break -%}
{%- endunless -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}

{%- if unique_tab_title != blank and unique_tab_content != blank -%}
<div class="product-block-list__item product-block-list__item--content">
<div class="card">
{%- if section.settings.content_display_mode == 'collapse_all_except_description' or section.settings.content_display_mode == 'collapse_all' -%}
<button class="card__collapsible-button" data-action="toggle-collapsible" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="unique-tab-{{ i }}">
<span class="card__title heading h3">{{ unique_tab_title }}</span>
<span class="plus-button plus-button--large"></span>

<div id="unique-tab-{{ i }}" class="card__collapsible">
<div class="card__collapsible-content">
<div class="rte text--pull">
{{ unique_tab_content }}
{%- else -%}
<div class="card__header">
<h2 class="card__title heading h3">{{ unique_tab_title }}</h2>

<div class="card__section expandable-content" aria-expanded="false">
<div class="rte text--pull">
{{ unique_tab_content }}

<button class="expandable-content__toggle">
<span class="expandable-content__toggle-icon"></span>
<span class="expandable-content__toggle-text" data-view-more="{{ 'product.general.view_more' | t | escape }}" data-view-less="{{ 'product.general.view_less' | t | escape }}">{{- 'product.general.view_more' | t -}}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}

{%- for i in (1..3) -%}
{%- assign global_tab_option = 'tab_page_' | append: i | append: '_handle' -%}
{%- assign global_tab_page = pages[section.settings[global_tab_option]] -%}

{%- unless global_tab_page.empty? -%}
<div class="product-block-list__item product-block-list__item--content">
<div class="card">
{%- if section.settings.content_display_mode == 'collapse_all_except_description' or section.settings.content_display_mode == 'collapse_all' -%}
<button class="card__collapsible-button" data-action="toggle-collapsible" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="global-tab-{{ i }}">
<span class="card__title heading h3">{{ global_tab_page.title }}</span>
<span class="plus-button plus-button--large"></span>

<div id="global-tab-{{ i }}" class="card__collapsible">
<div class="card__collapsible-content">
<div class="rte text--pull">
{{ global_tab_page.content }}
{%- else -%}
<div class="card__header">
<h2 class="card__title heading h3">{{ global_tab_page.title }}</h2>

<div class="card__section expandable-content" aria-expanded="false">
<div class="rte text--pull">
{{ global_tab_page.content }}

<button class="expandable-content__toggle">
<span class="expandable-content__toggle-icon"></span>
<span class="expandable-content__toggle-text" data-view-more="{{ 'product.general.view_more' | t | escape }}" data-view-less="{{ 'product.general.view_less' | t | escape }}">{{- 'product.general.view_more' | t -}}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- endunless -%}
{%- endfor -%}

{%- comment -%}
{%- endcomment -%}

{%- if section.settings.enable_reviews -%}
<div class="product-block-list__item product-block-list__item--reviews">
<span id="product-reviews" class="anchor"></span>

<div class="card">
<div class="card__section">
{%- assign reviews_count = | split: '<meta itemprop="reviewCount" content="' | last | split: '">' | first | times: 1 -%}
<div id="shopify-product-reviews" class="spr-reviews {% if reviews_count > 0 %}spr-reviews--has-reviews{% endif %}" data-id="{{ }}">{{ }}</div>
{%- endif -%}

{%- comment -%}
{%- endcomment -%}

{%- if section.settings.show_payment_icons and shop.enabled_payment_types.size > 0 -%}
{%- assign show_payment_icons = true -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- assign show_payment_icons = false -%}
{%- endif -%}

{%- if section.settings.custom_security_badge or show_payment_icons -%}
<div class="product-block-list__item product-block-list__item--trust">
<div class="card">
<div class="card__header card__header--flex">
<h2 class="card__title heading h3">{{ section.settings.trust_title | escape }}</h2>

{%- render 'icon', icon: 'lock', width: 22, height: 24 -%}

<div class="card__section">
{%- if show_payment_icons -%}
{%- if section.settings.custom_security_badge -%}
<p class="card__subtitle heading h6">{{ 'product.general.payment' | t }}</p>
{%- endif -%}

<div class="payment-list">
{% for type in shop.enabled_payment_types %}
{{ type | payment_type_svg_tag: class: 'payment-list__item' }}
{% endfor %}

<p class="payment-list__notice">{{ 'product.general.payment_notice' | t }}</p>
{%- endif -%}

{%- if show_payment_icons and section.settings.custom_security_badge -%}
<hr class="card__separator">
{%- endif -%}

{%- if section.settings.custom_security_badge -%}
{%- if show_payment_icons -%}
<p class="card__subtitle heading h6">{{ '' | t }}</p>
{%- endif -%}

{%- assign badge_width = section.settings.custom_security_badge.width | at_most: 450 | append: 'x' -%}
<img class="product__trust-badge" style="width: {{ section.settings.custom_security_badge_width }}px"
src="{{ section.settings.custom_security_badge | img_url: badge_width }}"
srcset="{{ section.settings.custom_security_badge | img_url: badge_width }} 1x, {{ section.settings.custom_security_badge | img_url: badge_width, scale: 2 }} 2x"
alt="{{ section.settings.custom_security_badge.alt | escape }}">
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}

{%- comment -%}
{%- endcomment -%}

{%- if section.settings.show_shipping_estimator and product.available -%}
<div class="product-block-list__item product-block-list__item--shipping">
<div class="card">
<div class="card__header">
<h2 class="card__title heading h3">{{ 'product.general.estimate_shipping' | t }}</h2>

<div class="card__section">
<div class="shipping-estimator form" role="form">
<div class="form__input-row">
<div class="form__input-wrapper">
<label for="shipping-estimator-country" class="form__label">{{ '' | t }}</label>

<div class="select-wrapper select-wrapper--primary">
{%- render 'icon', icon: 'arrow-bottom' -%}

<select name="country" id="shipping-estimator-country" data-default="{{ | default: section.settings.shipping_estimator_default_country }}" required>
{{- country_option_tags -}}

<div class="form__input-wrapper" style="display: none">
<label for="shipping-estimator-province" class="form__label">{{ 'cart.shipping_estimator.province' | t }}</label>

<div class="select-wrapper select-wrapper--primary">
{%- render 'icon', icon: 'arrow-bottom' -%}

<select name="province" id="shipping-estimator-province" data-default="{{ customer.default_address.province }}"></select>

<div class="form__input-wrapper" style="max-width: 155px">
<label for="shipping-estimator-zip" class="form__label">{{ 'cart.shipping_estimator.zip_code' | t }}</label>
<input type="text" name="zip" id="shipping-estimator-zip" class="form__field form__field--text" value="{{ }}" required>

<button type="button" class="form__submit button button--primary" data-action="estimate-shipping">{{ 'cart.shipping_estimator.estimate' | t }}</button>

<div class="shipping-estimator__results rte" style="display: none;"></div>

{%- if section.settings.show_refunds_policy and shop.refund_policy != blank -%}
<div class="card__section card__section--tight">
<button class="product__refund-policy-link link link--accented" data-action="open-modal" aria-controls="modal-refunds-policy">{{ 'product.general.refund_policy' | t }} {%- render 'icon', icon: 'arrow-right' -%}</button>
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}

{%- if section.settings.show_refunds_policy and shop.refund_policy != blank -%}
<div id="modal-refunds-policy" class="modal" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="modal__dialog" role="dialog">
<header class="modal__header">
<h3 class="modal__title heading h2">{{ 'product.general.refund_policy' | t }}</h3>
<button class="modal__close link" data-action="close-modal" title="{{ 'general.accessibility.close' | t | escape }}">
{%- render 'icon', icon: 'close' -%}

<div class="modal__content">
<div class="rte">
{{ shop.refund_policy }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- comment -%}We display the quick view within the product template so we can re-use the same settings{%- endcomment -%}
<div class="featured-product">
{%- render 'product-gallery' -%}
{%- render 'product-info' -%}
{%- endif -%}

{% schema %}
"name": "Product page",
"settings": [
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "show_vendor",
"label": "Show vendor",
"default": true
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "show_sku",
"label": "Show SKU",
"default": false
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "show_share_buttons",
"label": "Show share buttons",
"default": true
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "show_taxes_included",
"label": "Show price taxes notice",
"default": false
"type": "select",
"id": "selector_mode",
"label": "Selector type",
"options": [
"value": "block",
"label": "Block"
"value": "dropdown",
"label": "Dropdown"
"default": "block"
"type": "select",
"id": "color_mode",
"label": "Color selector type",
"info": "Variant image mode requires that all variant has an associated image. [Learn more](",
"options": [
"value": "block",
"label": "Block"
"value": "dropdown",
"label": "Dropdown"
"value": "color",
"label": "Color swatch"
"value": "variant_image",
"label": "Variant image"
"default": "color"
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "show_quantity_selector",
"label": "Show quantity selector",
"default": true
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "show_payment_button",
"label": "Show dynamic checkout button",
"info": "Each customer will see their preferred payment method from those available on your store, such as PayPal or Apple Pay. [Learn more](",
"default": true
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "show_pickup_availability",
"label": "Show local pickup availability",
"info": "Show customers where they can pick up the product. [Learn more](",
"default": false
"type": "header",
"content": "Media"
"type": "paragraph",
"content": "Learn more about [media types]("
"type": "select",
"id": "image_size",
"label": "Size",
"options": [
"value": "small",
"label": "Small"
"value": "medium",
"label": "Medium"
"value": "large",
"label": "Large"
"default": "small"
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "enable_video_looping",
"label": "Enable video looping",
"default": false
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "enable_image_zoom",
"label": "Enable image zoom",
"default": true
"type": "select",
"id": "zoom_effect",
"label": "Desktop zoom effect",
"options": [
"value": "inside",
"label": "Inside"
"value": "outside",
"label": "Outside"
"default": "outside"
"type": "select",
"id": "carousel_effect",
"label": "Transition effect",
"options": [
"value": "fade",
"label": "Fade"
"value": "slide",
"label": "Slide"
"default": "fade"
"type": "header",
"content": "Inventory"
"type": "paragraph",
"content": "You can also add a stock countdown. [Learn more]("
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "show_inventory_quantity",
"label": "Show inventory quantity",
"default": false
"type": "range",
"id": "low_inventory_threshold",
"label": "Low inventory threshold",
"info": "Use low stock color when quantity is below the threshold. Choose 0 to always show in stock.",
"min": 0,
"max": 100,
"step": 1,
"default": 0
"type": "header",
"content": "Content"
"type": "paragraph",
"content": "You can also add per-product tabs. [Learn more]("
"type": "select",
"id": "content_display_mode",
"label": "Display mode",
"options": [
"value": "show_all",
"label": "Show all"
"value": "show_all_and_expand_description",
"label": "Show all and expand description"
"value": "collapse_all",
"label": "Collapse all"
"value": "collapse_all_except_description",
"label": "Collapse all except description"
"default": "show_all_and_expand_description"
"type": "page",
"id": "tab_page_1_handle",
"label": "First page"
"type": "page",
"id": "tab_page_2_handle",
"label": "Second page"
"type": "page",
"id": "tab_page_3_handle",
"label": "Third page"
"type": "header",
"content": "Reviews"
"type": "paragraph",
"content": "You need to install [Shopify's free Product Reviews]( app before enabling those options."
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "enable_reviews",
"label": "Enable",
"default": false
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "show_reviews_badge",
"label": "Show badge",
"default": false
"type": "header",
"content": "Trust"
"type": "text",
"id": "trust_title",
"label": "Heading",
"default": "Payment & Security"
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "show_payment_icons",
"label": "Show payment icons",
"default": true
"type": "image_picker",
"id": "custom_security_badge",
"label": "Security badge",
"info": "800 x 200px .jpg recommended"
"type": "range",
"id": "custom_security_badge_width",
"min": 100,
"max": 500,
"step": 10,
"unit": "px",
"label": "Security badge width",
"default": 200
"type": "header",
"content": "Shipping estimator"
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "show_shipping_estimator",
"label": "Show shipping estimator",
"info": "Only show if product is available.",
"default": true
"type": "text",
"id": "shipping_estimator_default_country",
"label": "Default country",
"info": "If the customer is logged in, the country of their shipping address will be used.",
"default": "United States"
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "show_refunds_policy",
"label": "Show refunds policy",
"info": "Refund policy must be added into your store policies. [Learn more](",
"default": true
{% endschema %}

I am in product-template.liquid file but cant fine the section to replace the code with

can you please take a look and let me know which linke of code i need to replace it with. thanks

New Member
9 0 0

Which code do i need to replace it with?
or add separately?
adding separately doesn't do anything

New Member
9 0 0

id be obliged if anyone can give me a solution

1 0 0

hy mihalmaruf
i am also using same theme my client want to replace price section into get a quote button can you plz help me?