Re: Pages all linking to the same place

Why are all my pages linking to the same content?

7 0 5

Hi All,


When I add pages and change the navigation by linking it to the proper page, each page links to the same content as the sustainability page. Is there any way to fix this?  I have reviewed this excessively and it seems that I am doing it correctly... Has this happened to anyone else? 


Replies 47 (47)

Shopify Staff
2428 258 551

Hey, @deckerkp 


Happy to look into this for you. Could you provide me with the link to your store so that I can test your navigation out on my end? This way we can isolate a potential culprit to all the links leading to the same place.


If there is anything else I can help you with, please let me know.

Dirk | Social Care @ Shopify 
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7 0 5

Of course! It is

Please let me know if you have any issues getting in. It is the VENUE theme although it seems to want to go straight to dawn sometimes. Also, I have products listed under "appetizers" which appear in the menu, but when clicking on appetizers it says "no products shown". I made sure all products are active so not sure if there is something wrong there as well. 

Shopify Staff
2428 258 551

Could you remove the store password or provide it here, @deckerkp ? That way I can take a peek. 

Dirk | Social Care @ Shopify 
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Shopify Staff
2428 258 551

Hey, @deckerkp 


I removed your most recent post because it contained your sensitive, login for your staff account. What I'm looking for is just the storefront password. This can be found in your Admin > Online Store > Preferences > Password Protection.



You can either uncheck the 'enable password' box or provide the storefront password.

Dirk | Social Care @ Shopify 
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7 0 5

Hi @Dirk  the password is pawldi. Thank you! 

Shopify Staff
2428 258 551

Hey, @deckerkp 


Thanks for the password. I was able to check out your navigation and I understand what you are now seeing. For example, when I go through the 'About us' dropdown and then 'The Raw Difference' submenu, I can see all your sub-menu items such as 'our products', 'our facilities' all lead to the same page: /pages/the-raw-difference.

This will require you to go into your stores admin > online store > navigation to make changes. From there you will want to select the menu that you use for the top menu (usually called main menu). Each menu item allows you to edit the 'Name' and the 'Link' fields. In your case, all of your 'Link' fields for those sub-menu items are all currently linking out to 'the-raw-difference' page. You can individually set each submenu item to link to the appropriate page that you have created for them.



If there is anything else I can help you with, please let me know.

Dirk | Social Care @ Shopify 
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7 0 5

Hi @Dirk I thought I did this? 

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I used some as placeholders because they are not working. The Raw difference is the page that those should be linked to. But the sustainability page should be separate content 

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For example, recipes and blog is linked to recipe and blog page which should be separate content. But it just goes to the same content. If I try to change that content it will update every page.


Also, the appetizers still show "no products found" 

Shopify Staff
2428 258 551

Can you take a screenshot of your navigation settings page, with all the menu items expanded out as I have shown? I want to see what displays in the 'link' fields for the menu items that aren't redirecting to where you want them to.


If there is anything else I can help you with, please let me know.

Dirk | Social Care @ Shopify 
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7 0 5

Hi Dirk,


Not sure if the site was opening to the right place. I had not published my venue theme, so the dawn theme was what comes up when searching. Any chance you could take a look again? I am happy to provide screenshots as well.



Shopify Staff
2428 258 551

Hey, @deckerkp 


When I click on your navigation, for example, Our Mission, or Our Family, it stays on the 'Our Story' page. 


Can you take a screenshot of your navigation settings page, with all the menu items expanded out as I have shown in my previous replies? I want to see what displays in the 'link' fields for the menu items 'Our Mission' and 'Our Family' that aren't redirecting to where you want them to.

Dirk | Social Care @ Shopify 
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2 0 5



I'd love to know what you find out about this as I'm having the same issue. If I create a new page in the Dawn theme, my only options for the page are "default" and "contact." Not wanting another contact page, I hit default, and now every new page I create has the exact same content, I can't seem to edit them separately. 




3 0 0

I have the same issue with my bullet theme, did you find a solution ? 

1 0 2

Did anyone get a solution on this? I'm having the same issue with the Dawn Theme at

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I'm having exactly the same issue

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How did you fix??? So frustrating 🙂 Any help is appreciated! 


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How to change your default menu to another page you created so when someone clicks the link to your store the first thing you see is the page you set?

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I have the same issue, did you find a solution ? 

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I'm having this issue as well.  I was trying to switch to the Dawn theme I haven't published my new site yet because everything is linking to the same page...

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Having the same issue 

1 0 0

Hey I'm having the same issue. Was a fix for this found?

3 0 1

I am having the same problem. Any tips on how to fix it?

20 0 1

Also need help with this! Anyone knows how to fix it?

3 0 1
  1. In your admin, visit Online Store > Click Customize beside Dawn.
  2. At the top of the Theme Editor, click the dropdown menu (when you load the Theme Editor it should say Home page) and select Pages > Create Template > name it "Terms of Service"> select Create Template.
  3. Next, leave the Theme Editor and go back to your admin and click Online Store > Pages > Terms of Service.
  4. In the "Online Store" section of this page (on the right side), you will see a dropdown menu under 'Theme Template" > click it and select "Terms of Service" > click Save (this is linking the template you created in the Theme Editor to this specific page).
  5. Now if you visit the Terms of Service link in your footer, it should load the Terms of Service page that you've just associated with that new template you created in the Theme Editor 🙂

This is the response I got from Shopify and it helped me a ton.

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Unfortunately this didn't solve the problem for me. I think this must be an issue with Dawn 😞 


Has anyone figured out another solve?

1 0 4

Same issue but found a solution.  I'm not an expert but the "default page" is one page.  Essentially, you need to create a duplicate default page.  Go to online store and on the left of the customize button, there's a dropdown menu.  Click that and select edit code.  You want to create a new template so click "add new template."  The template you want to create is a page.  Select that from the drop down menu.  Now add a new name for the page template.  I went with page.ourstory because I was creating an Our Story page.  Keep the JSON.  Hit done.  Now you need to assign a page to the template you just created.  Boom, you should be all set  Good Luck!  

1 0 1

For me, "About Us" is the link that opens no matter which link I try to open. I tried creating new template as you suggested above, but even in new template (page), text that automatically appears is of "About Us" page. Can you please suggest why is it so? And how it can be resolved?

1 0 0

You are a king for sharing this.




1 0 1

I am having the same issue with two different themes for my clients. Is there any new information on this? 

When I create a new page it links to a different one even if it says it's linked to the correct page. 
Very frustrating! 

2 0 0

Hi Lucy, have you found a solution to this yet, also feeling extremely frustrated at this!

3 0 3

I was very frustrated too... i solved this issue tho. it was just one small thing. ive attached the instructions and pics to help you understand in my other reply.

2 0 1

@PlayByPlay I fixed the issue based on your response so thanks. only thing you forgot to mention is you have to individually change each page's theme template in the page settings 🙂

2 0 0

Hey there, have you found a solution to this at all? Currently really frustrated at Dawn, appears to by some kind of glitch that i cant seem to resolve 

3 0 3

I struggled with this problem but i eventually figured it out. This is how to solve it.....

Under the Admin section, when you click on "Pages" to create a new page for your site, the dawn theme bases the page you are about to create on a previously created page (usually the "default" page). so essentially a COPY of your default page is created. Now you are allowed to name the new page, add text and photos etc... and then you click save after youre done creating the page. 

Your new page (and all the other pages you've created) are now listed.
Now you need to link the page to your navigation.

Go to Navigation

Choose the menu you want to add your created page to

Click "edit" on the menu item that you want your new page to link to (for example, "About Us" or "New Products"


Now click where it says "link", then select "pages" and choose the page you created

Click "Apply Changes", then click "Save".

Now its time to make your new page ACTUALLY SHOW on your website (its hidden right now but its there!!)

Click "Online Store" on your Admin page, then click Customize to enter your site.
once it loads up scroll (if necessary) to your menu and click on the menu item you just connected your created page to, the page will then load
on the left of your screen, you will see all the options you usually see that help you customize your site. But if you notice, there is a section named "TEMPLATE" and just under it there is an option that says "Page" but its GREYED OUT. Hover over that option and an icon in the shape of an eye will pop up, CLICK IT AND IT WILL MAKE THE CONTENT OF THE NEW PAGE YOU CREATED VISIBLE.
you should see your created page now. if you see anything from the default page that you dont want, just delete it. Dont forget to click Save to keep your new page final.


1 0 0

I was having the same issue. But I discovered if I disabled the transparent header, all of the links immediately started working. Here's how I got there:

Under Online Store, go to Themes

Click Customize for your current theme

Click on Header section in the left menu

Then on the right side Header options, under "Transparent Header", uncheck "Enable transparent header"

Save the change


Once I did this and went back to my live site, all of the nav links worked as they should.


It appears this is a weird glitch within the Dawn theme. 

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I don't have an option of "Transparent Header".  So frustrating. 


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i have the same issue and i tried everything 


3 0 3

did you try following the post I made above?? it’s either your page isn’t linked to navigation, your page hasn’t been made visible, or both 

2 0 0

scroll down I figured it out

2 0 0

SOLVED!  Hey guys to fix the pages all linking to the same page follow these steps:

1.  Click on the three dots next to customize under themes on your admin page

SOLVED 1.png

2. From the drop down menu click on "edit code"

3. Now to the left of the screen scroll down until you see your pages listed as page.context.uss.json

Solved 2.png

4. You should see one missing and a page that is labeled page.json

5.  This page.json is the one they are all linking to so simply rename it to page.(insertname).json

Alright thats it hope it works for yall

1 0 0

Thank you SO much for this answer!! I was ready to pull my hair out trying to get this done. I've wasted hours of my life on it - none of the other responses worked for me. No matter what, my product collection was the exact same on EVERY SINGLE PAGE! I followed your instructions to edit the code and it was almost all the way fixed. I do think it's important to add this though... After you change the code to your page names, you have to visit the drop-down menu under "Online Store" and select "Pages". From there, select the page you want and click "Theme Template" (over to the right-hand side) and choose the page that matches your page name. Otherwise, you will just get a bunch of 404 page errors, because it will still be mapped to the default page, which goes nowhere. 

1 0 2

Hi All,


It happened to me too and by reading all the comments here, I was able to find a way that worked for me. Here is the step-by-step guide of what I did. I hope it may help others!


1. Go to Admin

       - Online store

          - Themes

             - The three dots beside the "Customize" button

                - Edit Code

                   - Add a new template

                      - In the unrolling menu, select "Page"

                         - Write the name of the page that you want to add

                            - Done

                               - Exit (on the upper left corner)


2. Under "Online store", click on "Pages"

       - Click on "Add page"

         - Write your page title and its content

           - On the right of the screen, click on the unrolling menu under "Theme template"

             - Choose the page that you just created when editing the code

                - Save


3. On the left of the screen, click on "Online Store"

       - Click on "Navigation"

         - Under "Menus", choose the menu that you want, for example "Main menu", and click on it

           - Click on "Add menu item"

             - Write the name of the section you have created and click on the link section under

                - In the unrolling menu, click on "Pages" and then on the page that you have created

                 - Click on "Add"

                   - Click on "Save menu"


4. On the left side, click on "Online Store" again

       - Click on "Customize"

          - Click on the page that you just added

             - On the left menu, hide the sections from the Default page that you don't want to see on your new page by putting your mouse on the element and clicking on the eye icon that appears on the right. These sections will be masked.

                - In the list, you should see an element called "Page" that is by default made invisible. Click on the eye icon that appears on the right when you put your mouse on it to make it visible and here is your page, ready for you to edit and work on!


I hope this helps!

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and for anyone else If all your pages and navigation are already created, you just need to go back into those pages and reallocate the theme template to the one you created when editing the code. NO reason to recreate the pages. Once you have attached the page to the correct theme template, it corrects itself across the board, simply refresh.


good luck fam.

1 0 0

It still didn't work for me 😞 So frustrating...

6 0 1

This worked for me! Thank you!

6 0 1

Works for me. It made me go look at my options with SquareSpace though! This should be fixed so that you don't have to go into the code to add a page. Frustrating.