Why are my multicolumn images blurry on mobile with the Dawn theme?


Why are my multicolumn images blurry on mobile with the Dawn theme?

5 1 2

Hey guys.
I'm trying to use the multicolumn section to add some trust badges on my site
For the mobile version, I increased the number of columns from 2 to 3 adding this https://prnt.sc/IM05J9NjZOoH
However, the images are very blurry (on mobile only)
Tried to change the resolution of the images but doesn't help.
The site is Emotiv.ro but I'm working on an unpublished theme
https://prnt.sc/cvYllVI9kZNy <- Desktop
https://prnt.sc/cAnSX4fXGzur <- Mobile

I also used this to increase the size of the image using this https://prnt.sc/3CZL-V7_6Nj5
because by default they were too small https://prnt.sc/YtzYl8WryoeS

Accepted Solution (1)
5 1 2

This is an accepted solution.

I just said
"The site is Emotiv.ro but I'm working on an unpublished theme"

however, when I go to edit theme, the images are very blurry

but when I publish the theme, it seems ok.
So, i suppose everything's ok.

View solution in original post

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
37478 3664 12133

@danny0103 oh sorry for that issue can you please share store url

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5 1 2

This is an accepted solution.

I just said
"The site is Emotiv.ro but I'm working on an unpublished theme"

however, when I go to edit theme, the images are very blurry

but when I publish the theme, it seems ok.
So, i suppose everything's ok.

Shopify Partner
37478 3664 12133


pleaser share your store preview url

If helpful then please Like and Accept Solution. Partnership of your ️ Coffee Tips and my code can bring miracles.
Want to modify or custom changes on store Hire Me.
- Feel free to contact me on bamaniyaketan.sky@gmail.com regarding any help Shopify Partner | Skype : bamaniya.sky
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