Why are my product images on Dawn 12 smaller and out of order on mobile?

Why are my product images on Dawn 12 smaller and out of order on mobile?

25 0 8



I'm having issues with my product images on Dawn 12. All product images are smaller than the first main image and are out of order on mobile. There was some custom code added, so not sure if that caused the issue. Any help is much appreciated!



Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
195 30 37

Hi @crosbyaudio 

This is Mike from Omega

You can try my solution to resolve your issue

1. Open Theme -> Edit code

2. Find the file section-main-product.css and find the code on line 647 and remove the code in the red box


Hope my answer will help you

Mike from Omega

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25 0 8

It just made the main image small, so unfortunately doesn't fix my problem. Thanks for trying. 

Shopify Partner
3477 464 551

Hi @crosbyaudio ,

Your first problem is that the following images are smaller than the first. This is affected by the CSS code you added to the base.css file. Please delete this code so that the images display equally:

  .grid--2-col-tablet .grid__item {
    width: calc(50% - var(--grid-desktop-horizontal-spacing) / 2);

 view - 2024-01-08T093758.144.png

The second problem occurs because the javascript code you added before hides the image, you need to check again. Or maybe some app you use to process has hidden the images. I checked, and those images' HTML tags are still there, but the image transfer button handling cannot be moved. When I f5 again, all 9 images are displayed, but it flickers and then only displays 5 images. This is handled by JavaScript code.

view - 2024-01-08T093855.169.png


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