Why does my product image appear compressed when uploaded?

Why does my product image appear compressed when uploaded?

New Member
10 0 0

How can I fix the problem where when I upload a product on Shopify the product image appears compressed/cut and the full product image is not displayed.

Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
12 0 0

Can you share the URL so that I can review?

Aditya Khanna | Progryss
e: aditya@progryss.com
Shopify Partner
12 0 0

It is because the uploaded size is smaller than the rendered size. try uploading a larger image. ideally with a width 1920 


Screenshot 2024-03-17 at 10.53.38 AM.png

Aditya Khanna | Progryss
e: aditya@progryss.com
New Member
10 0 0

This is what’s happening. the logo image you addressed is fine. We are having trouble with the actual product images. They are not showing completely. 
