Why does W3 Share the Love app block disappear in Origin theme cart drawer?

Why does W3 Share the Love app block disappear in Origin theme cart drawer?

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I am using the Origin theme and added the app W3 Share the Love to my main cart page using the app block functionality. However, I found that the block information was not showing up in the cart drawer. I was able to get the information to populate in the cart drawer by adding the following snippet of code to the cart_drawer.liquid editor (<div class="w3-donation-tracker"></div>) however it only appears when the page is refreshed. Whenever I take action within the cart drawer (adding or removing a product) the block disappears unless I refresh the page again after which it reappears.

Is there a way to get the app information to appear within the cart drawer consistently?


The section circled in red is what I want to show all the time:



This is what happens when I take any action within the cart (i.e. remove or add a product), the section completely disappears but shows up again if I do a page refresh:



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It's great that you've been able to make the app information appear in the cart drawer by adding the code snippet. However, the refresh requirement is a bit inconvenient. To have the app information consistently appear in the cart drawer without manual refresh, you might want to check the app's settings or consult their support.

For more detailed assistance, you can explore solutions on National Courier and connect with experts in the Shopify community. They can provide specific guidance on ensuring the app information appears consistently within the cart drawer.