Re: Registered business name problem

Can Shopify team assist with registering a business name in Czech Republic?

New Member
10 0 0

Can the shopify team help me pls?

I still dont have a registered business name for my payments, can you please look how it works here in czech republic?

Replies 12 (12)

Shopify Staff
2787 199 402

Hi there @Alexapt!


You can refer to the requirements for use Shopify Payments in Czechia here


If your business is a sole proprietorship you're automatically set up to accept all major payment types via your Shopify Payments account. 


Are you being asked to submit business registration documentation specifically, or are you just being asked to enter your business name when setting up Shopify Payments?

Don | Social Care @ Shopify 
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New Member
10 0 0

Thanks for the reply, the 2 answer, being asked to enter your business name when setting up shopify payments

New Member
10 0 0

And btw, could you please tell me how it is with the Vat number here in czechia?

Do I have to make on right now, or can I make it once I will start receiving some money?

Or could I just use the shopify thing if I dont have the Vat number?

And how its with the collecting taxes in other states please?

Do I have to manage it to every country I wanna sell too?



Shopify Staff
2787 199 402

Hi again @Alexapt!


We're not able to provide information from here in Shopify on your legal or taxation requirements where you are.


As such you will need to consult a qualified expert in your jurisdiction so that you understand any legal or tax obligations you need to observe.


When you know what taxes you need to charge and for where, you can set that up using the tax settings in your Shopify admin.

Don | Social Care @ Shopify 
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New Member
10 0 0

Hi, can u atleast help me if I just started with my shopify buisness and I havent made a single dollar yet, which of the 3 VAT registrations should I use?


Shopify Partner
200 12 33

HI Alexapt.

Let us start from the beginning: 

1. Where is your business located?

2. Where do you fulfill from ?

3 Which countries do you sell to? 


Based on that information I can give answers on what you need to sell to specific regions/countries - the best EU and UK VAT compliance solution.
New Member
10 0 0

Hi and big thanks for answering,

1. In Czech Republic

2. China

3. Worldwide, but I am maybe gonna change this one later


And could I also pls ask about smth else, it doesnt allow me to connect my shopify to tiktok threw shopify apps because my business is located in Czech Republic. Or is there different issue why is says I cant connect to tiktok? And could u maybe help me to figure this out pls?

thanks @Rostislav 

Shopify Partner
200 12 33

Hi Alexapt,

Ba sed on your replies. 

1. You may go without Czech VAT registration until your annual turnover goes over 1 000 000 CZK (turnover in the last 12 months) 

2. If you want to sell to EU (including Czech republic) with direct  fulfillment from China you need IOSS registration  (not mandatory , but very advisable) . For sales to the UK you need to have UK VAT registration to participate in the UK LVC scheme (it is very similar to the EU IOSS). WE can help you with IOSS/UK VAT , visit us at www. You may want to register for Norwegian VAT  , but it is not mandatory and due to the market size - it is a bit of too much fuss with not much results. US has a very high import threshold (800 USD)  and the state threshold (they do vary) are around 100 000 USD for the sales to a particular state so you do not really need to register for US sales taxes. Canada is complicated and I do not advise to get registered there , you would pay more for compliance than get  revenue. - the best EU and UK VAT compliance solution.
New Member
10 0 0

Thanks!, and do u know what about the tiktok?


Shopify Partner
200 12 33

Sorry ,  tiktok is beyond my competence  🙂 - the best EU and UK VAT compliance solution.
New Member
10 0 0

Ok thanks, and could u please help me with the IOSS/UK VAT?

Do i have to pay something or just register at the site


Shopify Partner
200 12 33

HI Alexapt, Just go and register at . You will receive IOSS and UK VAT numbers for free. In 2-3 days you can start using IOSS  , UK VAT registration takes a bit longer.  

We have monthly fees starting as low as 9.9 EUR, you can find all fees on the site. 


Rostislav - the best EU and UK VAT compliance solution.