How can I integrate FedEx Ship Manager with an e-commerce store?

How can I integrate FedEx Ship Manager with an e-commerce store?

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I am developing for a client.  They use FED EX and follow the current procedure:

1.  They have FED EX SHIP MANAGER running on a computer.

2.  This program has been configured to communicate with their existing e-com store

3.  When an order is placed (50-100 a day), they print out an order form with a bar code for the order number

4.  They scan this into FED EX SHIP MANAGER (v. or manually enter the order number

5.  SHIP MANAGER pulls up all the info and they print a label to their needs.


It appears so far that there is no FED EX SHIP MANAGER integration for Shopify?  I can print labels from SHOPIFY but not from FED EX SHIP MANAGER.  Fed Ex says they support Big Commerce, Woo Commerce, and a few other, but not Shopify.



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