How can I pause online sales while keeping POS active?

How can I pause online sales while keeping POS active?

2 0 2

We’re taking our shop to an on site event to vend products in person for 4 days. I want the site orders to be paused, but I want to be able to make sales through POS. How is the best way to do this?

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
693 28 116

Out of curiosity, what is the reason you want to pause the site orders? Wouldn't it be good to continue selling online while also selling at the event through POS?


There might be a few ways to accomplish what you are looking to do. One way is through the API and could be a little complicated.


But a simpler solution would be to just set a password on your online store.

2 0 2

Hi Kalen, thanks for your interest and your answer. I think the password idea is perfect. We are a small family run business and all our staff and most of our inventory will be with us at the event. It would make it very hard to fulfill orders in a timely fashion (we shoot for same day shipping) and to keep our stock managed if people are buying at our booth in person and people are placing remote orders on our site out of the same inventory.


Our current plan now is to password protect the site with an announcement on the page about why during the time we are at the event. Hope it provides the best experience for our staff and customers for those several days. Thanks again!

Shopify Partner
693 28 116

Cool glad that helped! One thing to keep in mind is that this could negatively affect your search engine rankings since to google it will look like the site went away when the password goes up.