How to handle email newsletter unsubscriptions while maintaining membership?

How to handle email newsletter unsubscriptions while maintaining membership?

16 0 4



A customer who is subscribed to my monthly membership product just unsubscribed from my email newsletter.


However, they are still subscribed & pay monthly for my membership. I send all membership content to their email address.


How should I do this if they unsubscribed from my list?


What would be the best way to go about this without breaking any email marketing laws?


Thanks in advance for your help!

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
325 47 82

Hey @jeremymac 


To handle email subscriptions for paying members who've unsubscribed, you'll need to:

  1. Remove them from your subscribers list manually. Email subscriber list management

  2. Manage their subscription details. Managing subscriptions

  3. Ensure they're not receiving unwanted emails. Setting up Shopify Subscriptions

Remember, Shopify filters out customers who don't accept email marketing.



Azam Gill
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