What data should automatically transfer from Shipstation to Shipper HQ using API?

What data should automatically transfer from Shipstation to Shipper HQ using API?

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Anyone know what data should auto flow to Shipper HQ from ship station via the API? our carton sizes are visible to shipper HQ and ship station gets the rates correct based on weight and dimensions from shipper HQ and those show up on ship station. However the dimensions and cartons aren't populating to ship station - only weight and rate - no UPC codes show up on ship station  - no HS codes nothing but weight and rate flows over to ship station. 

for 30 days both ship station and shipper HQ haven't been able to fix the issue. Anyone using both that can help us understand how and what should be auto-populating would be helpful. Also the label on ship station t should have a small "i" next to the (unmapped) and ours does not - no amount of tries to get this to show up we have removed apps reconnected used new api keys etc etc ... nothing fixes that issue. please advise if you have ideas... the tech teams are leaving us in limbo. 


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