Why am I not receiving new order notifications on my Android?

Why am I not receiving new order notifications on my Android?

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About 3-4 days ago I no longer get the notification on my android phone when a new order is placed. My settings for the app has it still turned on. I have not done anything on my end to make them stop but they have.


I have looked online and found no solution so am seeing if anyone else is having this issue now.

Replies 2 (2)

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I've had the same problem for the past 2 days. Found another thread that was for iPhones and loads of people on their saying they are having the same issue. Sounds like it's a Shopify issue

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I'm having the same issue. It's been a few days now. I noticed for about a week before that the app had gotten very glitchy. Every time I'd try to edit an order or add a note, it would make me log in again, then would bring me to an analytics page, then make me log in again if I tried to go back to my orders. That seems to have resolved itself, but since then, the notifications stopped working.