Why am I receiving increased fraudulent order warnings on my website?

Why am I receiving increased fraudulent order warnings on my website?

6 0 5

In the last few days, I've gotten six orders and four of them had a notation that "This order might be fraudulent". All were rated "Medium Risk". When I check the analysis it says "Some characteristics of this order are similar to fraudulent orders observed in the past". But everything else seems normal, correct address, CVV is correct, etc. I haven't gotten that many warnings since I've had my website. One order was from someone who has placed over 100 orders with me. Has Shopify changed something?

Replies 5 (5)

12 0 7

Same here. I came on here looking for an answer. 4 out of the last 8 orders were marked fraudulent. Everything matches up and when I email the customer they have all confirmed the order. I'm guessing something must have changed. 

2 0 0

Same here. Has anyone received an answer from Shopify on this? 

6 0 5

Unfortunately, I have not seen anything from Shopify.

1 0 0

I am getting the same thing, tons of medium fraud orders that never happened before and everything checks out. I am now thinking that the Shopify Fraud Analysis tool is mostly "broken". It makes it challenging to trust the tool where as before I believed it when it flagged an order.

2 0 0

I am having the same- everything appears green and okay besides for the "Characteristics of this order are similar to fraudulent orders observed in the past" No comments from Shopify yet...