Why does my menu item disappear after clicking?

Why does my menu item disappear after clicking?

3 0 1

Hi ,My menu items disappears when it click it ..how to fix it 

here is my https://www.theconservativefisherman.com/

I dont know how to fix it and also its show 0.0$ usd ..how to remove it 


Can anyone help me




Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
413 62 60

Hi @analytucsacces1. You need edit this code from your base.css file


.hdr-navigation .list-menu__item:hover, .hdr-navigation .list-menu__item:hover a, .hdr-navigation .list-menu__item--active, .hdr-navigation .header__active-menu-item, .hdr-navigation .header__active-menu-item + .icon, .hdr-navigation .list-menu__item--active + .icon, .hdr-navigation .header-active-menu-item {
  color: var(--header-accent);



just remove this from the above code ".list-menu__item:hover a"


Let me know if you've any query.

Brain Station 23 PLC (Mail: js.sbu@brainstation-23.com)
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