Re: My Website's Hero Section Disappears!

Why does the hero section disappear from my website's homepage?

59 1 7



I'm having an issue with the Hero image on my website's homepage and could really use some help!


For context, my Shopify store is built on the Out Of The Sandbox Parallax Theme. Please see a link to the live website here:


The Problem

In the Shopify's Customize Editor the hero on my homepage looks like this:


Hero Image Intended.png


BUT when I load the live website, the above hero image I designed in Shopify disappears, and the second web part of my website appears as the Hero. Here's what it looks like:


Hero Image Unintended.png


Could someone please help me fix this!? It would be a huge help!


Thanks you for considering my request!


Greatly appreciate it 🙏🏻



Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
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@TimDono1 Hope you are doing well.


When I load your website it looks perfect on my side.

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59 1 7

@webwondersco Strange! I have multiple people who have showed me the website on their phones - sometimes the hero image appears and other times it doesn't. Could it potentially be a caching issue? 

Shopify Partner
1191 171 174

@TimDono1 Possible.


Try by clearing your browser cache and cookies.

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