Why isn't my site preview matching my live site's slideshow?

Why isn't my site preview matching my live site's slideshow?

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The slideshow in my editor is completely different than what shows on my live site.  How to I get what is shown in my editor onto my actual site?  I've saved everything and published it.  


Replies 2 (2)

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Checklist of some obvious things, just in case:
- You have saved your changes
- The section or blocks are not "hidden" in the customiser
- You are previewing the correct page
- The theme you are editing is the same as the live theme
- You are not accidentally previewing a different theme (Theme preview bar will be visible at the bottom of the page)
- Clear your browser cache / view in a private browser

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Hey John, I tried all of the above suggestions and still no luck.  Doesn't matter where I preview the page from (mobile, different computer, private browser), none of them match what I see in my editor.  I am definitely viewing the correct theme and correct page.  All other changes I make to the slideshow (e.g changing from "numbers" to "dots" at the bottom) seem to save and change with no issue, only the pictures are what i am having issues with.