Why isn't the search function working in my online store?

Why isn't the search function working in my online store?

6 0 1

I have recently started managing a shopify site and it is currently not possible to search for products.


Do we need to add a 3rd party solution to the site to enable this functionality or is it possible to link products to the search function within the online store? 


Thank you

Replies 8 (8)

Shopify Partner
138 32 27

Hey @LukeBTDC Could you please give your website URL? It will make it much easier for me to address your problem.

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6 0 1

Hi Zeel, of course! https://thedoorcompanyuk.co.uk/


Thank you

Shopify Partner
138 32 27

Hey @LukeBTDC It seems "products are not included" in the search functionality. if you search for articles and pages then it will surely provide you the search result. I can fix this can you please share me the code for search bar , the file will be starting with "search" keyword.



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134 10 5

Yep code problem

6 0 1

Hi Zeel, is this the correct code? I copied from search.json


"wrapper": "div.collection-wrapper",
"sections": {
"search_header": {
"type": "template--search-header",
"settings": {
"main": {
"type": "template--search",
"blocks": {
"grid-card-title": {
"type": "grid-card-title",
"settings": {
"grid-card-price": {
"type": "grid-card-price",
"settings": {
"grid-card-swatches": {
"type": "grid-card-swatches",
"settings": {
"block_order": [
"settings": {
"order": [

Shopify Partner
138 32 27

Hey @LukeBTDC It will be ".liquid" file not a ".json". 



➔ Was I helpful , please don't forget to like and mark solution as an accepted solution , you can PM me.
➔ Software engineer : Having more than 3 years of experience in the related industry with the specialization of Shopify theme development , worked on hundreds of stores.
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6 0 1

Hi Zeel, i copied this from search.scapp.products.liquid

{% layout none %}
{% capture results %}

{% paginate search.results by 6 %}
{% for item in search.results %}
{% assign product = item %}
"product" : {{ product | json }},
"id":{{ product.id | json }},
"price":{%if product.compare_at_price %} {{product.compare_at_price | json }} {% else %} {{product.price | json }} {% endif %} ,
"title":{{ product.title | json }},
"product_type":{{ product.product_type | json }},
"vendor":{{ product.vendor | json }},
"handle":{{ product.handle | json }},
"variants":{{ product.variants | json }},
"url":{{ product.url | within: product.collections.last | json }},
"thumbnail":{{ product.featured_image.src | product_img_url: 'thumb' | json }}
{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
{% endpaginate %}

{% endcapture %}
"results_count":{{ search.results_count }},
"results":[{{ results }}]

Shopify Partner
1186 171 174

@LukeBTDC Hope you are doing well.


The query for the search is wrong. when we add the text in the search bar and enter for search it looks like the products in pages. that's why the products are not showing in search.


Your search query will be look like this: https://thedoorcompanyuk.co.uk/search?q=door


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