How can I tag orders based on subscription tiers and total cost?

How can I tag orders based on subscription tiers and total cost?

Shopify Partner
7 0 1

I'm trying to build a flow on orders having a subscription and specific items with different tiers for free gifts.


If an order has subscription item(s) (these orders have a tag "subscription") and at least one item has a specific vendor (i.e: apple) and the total $ of these specific items is between 200$ and 300$ then tag this order with "product A".


I'm stuck on the total $ of these specific items.


Any ideas?


Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Staff
1563 170 359

You are probably going to need to use Run code to write that logic. 

Paul_N | Flow Product Manager @ Shopify
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Shopify Partner
7 0 1

That's what I thought - let me try first and come back to you if needed. Thanks!

Shopify Partner
7 0 1

I managed to do it with the Run code - thanks!