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How to display chosen metaobject name instead of URL in a metafield?

How to display chosen metaobject name instead of URL in a metafield?

12 0 0

I have a Metafield referring to a metaobject(custom.typ_av_disc3). The metaobject have 5 different options to choose from. I want to print the name of the choosen option into another metafield with single text, so it can be an option in the setup of collections.

I have these code under "Update product metafield" in the flow app. But the only thing I get out is a long text string like the url.adress and not the name of the choice which has been done in the metafield, referring to the metobject, I just want the name of the choice and not the URL(or what it is).


{"value"=>"gid://shopify/Metaobject/18734612808", "namespace"=>"custom", "key"=>"typ_av_disc3"}

{%- assign typavdisc_metafield = product.metafields | where: "namespace", "custom" | where: "key", "typ_av_disc3" -%}
{{- typavdisc_metafield-}}


Do anyone know how I should write to only get the name of the chossen metaobject into the metafield?

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Staff
1439 157 333

That assign statement returns a list. So you need to change it to:


{%- assign typavdisc_metafield = product.metafields | where: "namespace", "custom" | where: "key", "typ_av_disc3" | first -%}


And to access the value you need:
{{- typavdisc_metafield.value -}}


I think that will output this: gid://shopify/Metaobject/18734612808.



Paul_N | Flow Product Manager @ Shopify
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12 0 0

Thanks, but I want to print the name(Display name) of the choosen Metaobject value.

The value I get out referring to the first(?) in the metaobject list(emtries) and not the choosen in the metafield(I have 6 different entries in the metaobject to choose from)

Shopify Staff
1439 157 333

This would output the field key and value for any Metaobject fields

{% for metafields_item in product.metafields %}
{% for fields_item in metafields_item.reference.Metaobject.fields %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Paul_N | Flow Product Manager @ Shopify
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