Different length intervals for billingPolicy ?

Different length intervals for billingPolicy ?

Shopify Partner
13 0 4


We'd like to offer customers a trial sized container of a product for $2.  After 12 weeks, we'll send them the full size container and charge $20, with additional $20 charges/shipments occurring every 24 weeks after that.   


I can't figure out how to structure our Selling Plan's billingPolicy to support this.  I know that we'll ultimately have control over when and how much to bill by adjusting the Contract and choosing when to create  Billing Attempts.  At this point we're mostly concerned with the descriptor shown to the customer at checkout to be accurate. 


We try the basic billingPolicy as follows: 


{recurring: {interval: "WEEK", intervalCount: "12"}}



However the cart displays this to the customer as follows:

Screen Shot 2021-04-20 at 9.40.27 AM.png





The cart tells the customer that they'd pay $20 every 12 weeks. However, 12 weeks is the trial period only.  Our regular billing interval will be 24 weeks.

It's difficult to even write it succinctly, but ideally we'd have the cart display something like "First payment $2.  After 12 weeks pay $20,repeating every 24 weeks after that".


Can anyone suggest a way of configuring our billingPolicy to support this goal?  Or suggest any workarounds since it seems that the variable length billing intervals may not be supported.



Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff (Retired)
12 1 4


This is something that is currently not supported at the moment. Something that is possible would be either picking“Pay $2 now, pay $20 every 12 weeks” or “Pay $2 now, pay $20 every 24 weeks”. We currently only support variable pricing policy, but not variable delivery policy.

Thank you!  

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