Add to Cart & Delete from Cart responses very, very, very slow!

Add to Cart & Delete from Cart responses very, very, very slow!

New Member
14 0 0

Hello all,


I have seen this same issue come up on numerous other posts with no clear solution.

My add to cart and delete from cart (rubbish bin icon), load and load and load forever! My website is now live and this is obviously a huge issue.

I am using the Dawn theme, and my store webiste is


I have cleared my caches, tried various browsers on desktop and mobile, have all images on site under 200kb, and have offloaded any unused apps (am only using one currently)


Everything else appears to be doing ok at this point.

Many thanks for the help.

Reply 1 (1)

1 0 0

same problem facing last one month. how will increase its speed?