Does Brooklyn theme offer Javascript minification?


Does Brooklyn theme offer Javascript minification?

Shopify Partner
3911 395 1440

Hi, has been looking at the Brooklyn theme demo shop and noticed that it loads theme javascript using this URL: 

and it is minified, while 

is not (as before).

Was it mentioned in any documents? Obviously, works for JS files in my test shop...

(Note -- this particular file has minified libraries included at the top, so check at the bottom).

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Accepted Solutions (2)
Shopify Partner
3911 395 1440

This is an accepted solution.

Looks like it's not compatible with Customizer, so need to use it like this:

{% liquid
 assign url = 'theme.js' | asset_url 
 unless  request.design_mode 
   assign url = url  | append: '&enable_js_minification=1' 
<script src="{{ url }}"  defer=defer type="text/javascript"></script>
If my post is helpful, consider liking it -- it will help others with similar problem to find a solution.
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View solution in original post

Shopify Partner
4 1 7

This is an accepted solution.

Early 2022 update


All JavaScript files requested from the storefront are minified by default given that they are called using the following syntax:



{{- 'some-script.js' | asset_url | script_tag -}}



However, if your files contains any ES6 statements like:

  • "let" keyword
  • "const" keyword
  • arrow functions
  • default function parameters

then your JS file won't be minified automatically. This is apparently not documented anywhere and I spent hours trying to figure out the catch here. Might be helpful for some in the future.

View solution in original post

Replies 7 (7)

Shopify Partner
261 31 133

Oh wow, it does work.

Nice find.

However  there's no documentation on it, and there is nothing like a liquid filter to add to the theme code to generate that param.

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Shopify Partner
3911 395 1440

 It's not a problem to DIY, like this.  Just thought I missed the announcement...

{{ 'shop.js' | asset_url | append: "&enable_js_minification=1" | script_tag }}

Or this:

<script src="{{ 'theme.js' | asset_url  | append: '&enable_js_minification=1' }}"  defer=defer type="text/javascript"></script>
If my post is helpful, consider liking it -- it will help others with similar problem to find a solution.
I can be reached via e-mail
Shopify Partner
261 31 133

This is useful, nice find!

Shame there isn't a param like this for css.

Available for pagespeed consulting
Shopify Partner
3911 395 1440

This is an accepted solution.

Looks like it's not compatible with Customizer, so need to use it like this:

{% liquid
 assign url = 'theme.js' | asset_url 
 unless  request.design_mode 
   assign url = url  | append: '&enable_js_minification=1' 
<script src="{{ url }}"  defer=defer type="text/javascript"></script>
If my post is helpful, consider liking it -- it will help others with similar problem to find a solution.
I can be reached via e-mail
Shopify Partner
261 31 133

You can also minify scss/css with ?enable_css_minification=1

Available for pagespeed consulting
Shopify Partner
30 0 33

If you submit valid CSS and JS, Shopify minify's automatically. The only time I find my files aren't is when something is invalid or broken in them.

Validate your CSS files here:

There are a number of JS validators online too. Nothing "official" thought that I'm aware of.



Shopify Partner
4 1 7

This is an accepted solution.

Early 2022 update


All JavaScript files requested from the storefront are minified by default given that they are called using the following syntax:



{{- 'some-script.js' | asset_url | script_tag -}}



However, if your files contains any ES6 statements like:

  • "let" keyword
  • "const" keyword
  • arrow functions
  • default function parameters

then your JS file won't be minified automatically. This is apparently not documented anywhere and I spent hours trying to figure out the catch here. Might be helpful for some in the future.