How can I boost my Brooklyn theme speed score above 60?

How can I boost my Brooklyn theme speed score above 60?

29 0 7

Hey guys,


I am using Brooklyn Theme for my store. The score was 50 last week but now is 34. Can anyone help me to improve and get it 60+? I tried compressing the pictures for the website but it's still 34. I checked to google web page score and says something about unwanted JS CSS. 


This is our store:

and this is our report:

Replies 3 (3)

43 6 13

Hi @yak9chews,

The suggestions you see on google PSI are just recommendations so I wouldn't take them as gospel. The tool isn't smart enough to know if the JS/CSS is unused across your entire website. If you want to remove unused JS/CSS your best option is go through you theme code and manually remove scripts/CSS/apps that are not being used or hire someone to do it.

I did notice you had an empty script tag, so that's worth removing if you want to improve your score.

empty script tagempty script tag

I ran your site through the PSI tool and your biggest performance gain would be from from correctly resizing images. I'd highly recommend using responsive images. Here is a guide from Shopify on how to create responsive images

Also I noticed you had an image carousel on the home page. It would be worth reading up on research about image carousels on e-commerce sites, generally they don't convert well and have negative impact on site speed. See here

Please feel free to reach out!




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Hi @yak9chews 

During the time before you noticed your score decrease, did you install any new apps or make any updates to your theme?

You're scoring pretty good based on all the Shopify sites we come across. You're actually scoring better than most since we typically see Page Speed Insights (PSI) scores range between 15-25 and Shopify Speed Scores range between 15-30. Either way, I wouldn't put too much thought into these scores as they aren't the most accurate indicators of actual page speed. They factor in a bunch of other metrics before delivering a score.

For example, after navigating through your site it loads and performs very well. Don't let a single score make you think otherwise.

Here are a few articles we have that talk about the relation between PSI/Shopify Speed Score and Shopify websites:

They can be good tools, but they aren't the only ones you should reference.

Beyond that, I'd focus on the images mentioned under the "Properly size images" warning of your PSI report.

We typically recommend not having images larger than 960px on mobile or 1500px on desktop. Also, if the images don't have transparent backgrounds we recommend using JPG format instead of PNG. This will help to reduce file sizes, page weight, and potentially lower your loading times.

I hope this feedback was helpful! If you need any additional help, please feel free to reach out to our optimization team at

Best of luck!


Developer at SpeedBoostr (Shopify optimization and dev agency).
Try out our Shopify Analyzer (free performance analysis tool).
Check out Order Automator (app that auto tags + fulfills orders, and more automation)
More Apps: Theme Scientist (A/B testing tool), Tip Jar (add a tip button to your store), File Optimizer (optimize CSS, JS, Liquid)

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I have an optmized version of brooklyn I have been working on as a learning exercise, its about 10% faster then the theme out of the box. I can send it to you if you like, However, you might already have modifactions to your version of brooklyn, and moving over the settings might be a pain, so who knows if it'll be usefull to you.

Available for pagespeed consulting