Re: Barcodes and Gtin


How can I bulk copy barcodes to Google MPN field?

2 0 0

Hi everybody !

Unfortunatly Google app does not allow uploading values with CSV file 
I need to copy about 3000 barcodes to Google MPN field 

I found that google mpn is meta field and i could fill in lines in bulk editor but still it does not allow me to copy in bulk, only one by one 
Could i use script below to automaticaly copy barcode and gtin, I have no expirience in Liquid , I know some Java so I tried my best , but i dont know if this will work 
I have put it in theme.liquid file in body  


{% for product in collection.products %}
{% if variant.barcode != blank and == blank%} = variant.barcode
{% endif %}


// I have some products with filled in gtin and not barcode and want to copy back //

{% if != blank and variant.barcode == blank%} = variant.barcode
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}


I know that there are apps but I dont want to buy them just for 1 issue cause in any case if it doesnt work i  will do it one by 

Thanks in advance to anybody who can help !

Accepted Solution (1)

Shopify Partner
136 23 49

This is an accepted solution.



You can set the Google Shopping Manufacturer Part Number (MPN) to the barcode for products using our Ablestar Bulk Product Editor app ( for free.


Once you've installed the app, do the  following:


Search for products that have a barcode set

On the main page click on Filters, the choose the Barcode field and choose is not blank/empty:



This will show you a list of matching products:



If the products look correct, click on Edit Products in the top right of the screen.


Configuring the Edit

On the next screen choose Manufacturer Part Number - Google Shopping from the "Field to Edit" drop-down. Since we want to use the barcode value for the MPN we'll use a dynamic placeholder.

Click on the Add Placeholder button and choose barcode from the list:



Then you will be able to see a preview of the edit below, where the MPN will be set to the barcode:




If that looks good, click on the Run Edit button at the top of the page and the products will be updated for you. If there's any issues with the edit you can undo it from that page.


Our free plan includes five edits a month so it should be sufficient for setting the MPNs from the barcode values.


I hope this helps, please let us know if you have any follow up questions.




Founder @ Ablestar ✦
Manage product data, spreadsheets, Google Shopping data, and metafields with Ablestar Bulk Product Editor. Use previews, undos, and automations to be confident your product data is correct.
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View solution in original post

Replies 6 (6)

Shopify Partner
136 23 49

This is an accepted solution.



You can set the Google Shopping Manufacturer Part Number (MPN) to the barcode for products using our Ablestar Bulk Product Editor app ( for free.


Once you've installed the app, do the  following:


Search for products that have a barcode set

On the main page click on Filters, the choose the Barcode field and choose is not blank/empty:



This will show you a list of matching products:



If the products look correct, click on Edit Products in the top right of the screen.


Configuring the Edit

On the next screen choose Manufacturer Part Number - Google Shopping from the "Field to Edit" drop-down. Since we want to use the barcode value for the MPN we'll use a dynamic placeholder.

Click on the Add Placeholder button and choose barcode from the list:



Then you will be able to see a preview of the edit below, where the MPN will be set to the barcode:




If that looks good, click on the Run Edit button at the top of the page and the products will be updated for you. If there's any issues with the edit you can undo it from that page.


Our free plan includes five edits a month so it should be sufficient for setting the MPNs from the barcode values.


I hope this helps, please let us know if you have any follow up questions.




Founder @ Ablestar ✦
Manage product data, spreadsheets, Google Shopping data, and metafields with Ablestar Bulk Product Editor. Use previews, undos, and automations to be confident your product data is correct.
Please don't forget to Like and Mark Solution to the post that helped you. Thanks!
2 0 0

Thanks a lot! You have a great app, I like it ! 

14 1 3

Is this still available and working? I tried to do this but there does not seem to be any option to select the placeholder. What am I missing? Need to copy the barcode to mpn in bulk but not able to. please help if anyone has any ideas

Shopify Partner
136 23 49

Hello @aainaas I'm sorry you're having problems setting the MPN. The feature is still active, could you send us an email at with the URL to your Shopify store and we can take a look at what's going on?



Founder @ Ablestar ✦
Manage product data, spreadsheets, Google Shopping data, and metafields with Ablestar Bulk Product Editor. Use previews, undos, and automations to be confident your product data is correct.
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New Member
6 0 0

Hi Daniel,


I want to make the mpn the same as my sku to send through to merchant center, do I follow the same process?


King regards James 

Shopify Partner
136 23 49

Hi James,


Yes, the process for setting the MPN to be the SKU is the same as above, you would just choose 'SKU' from the placeholder dropdown instead of 'Barcode'. Once you've configured the edit it should look something like this:

Screenshot 2024-05-04 at 12.22.37 PM.png





Founder @ Ablestar ✦
Manage product data, spreadsheets, Google Shopping data, and metafields with Ablestar Bulk Product Editor. Use previews, undos, and automations to be confident your product data is correct.
Please don't forget to Like and Mark Solution to the post that helped you. Thanks!