Discuss and resolve questions on Liquid, JavaScript, themes, sales channels, and site speed enhancements.
Here's our product page: https://exploroproducts.com/products/at-home-marijuana-thc-drug-test-strips-kit-by-exploro. We use Debut theme. We don't have a lot of info there, all pictures are optimized with tinypng.com and we use a few apps. However, site speed on mobile is low - see the screenshot below. When first launched it was OK and then dropped to about 30. The same is with our other websites on Shopify.
• Do you guys experience the same?
• Is there a way to fix this?
• If yes, is here anyone who can fix it and how much does it cost?
Hi @Irena
Yes , Low mobile page speed may kill your traffic and affect your conversion.
In order to Improve website speed we need to work on the following points:
- Remove unnecessary code on a high priority basis.
- Compressed images or Defer offscreen images.
- Reduce JavaScript execution time
- Minimize long main-thread work
- Beware of excessive liquid loops
- Decrease thumbnail image size
- Weigh the benefits of installing another app
- Avoid an excessive DOM size
- Avoid Large Layouts Shift
- Serve static assets with an efficient cache policy
By fixing these issues, your website speed score can definitely improve. For more details please check and select the plan you wish to select -
If anything is missed out or unclear then don't hesitate to ask
Thank You!
@oscprofessional, thank you for your answer! What speed score can you reach for the product page below for mobile and for how much? Now the score is about 30. Thanks!
Hello @Irena ,
I have checked your website product page link you have shared with us.
Scope in Optimization
1. Communicating with an app provider.
We will target the
- Theme Upgrade if there is a scope and upgraded theme available
- Render-blocking resources
- Offscreen images
- Properly size images
- Web Fonts
- Scripts which loading on the page but there is no use of it
- unused CSS
- Script - which is loaded multiple times by apps
- Removing code left from uninstalled apps
Tentative score based on assumptions and support :
1. Product Page >> For Desktop >> 80+
2. Home Page >> For Desktop >> 75+
3. Product Page >> For Mobile>> 55+
4. Home Page >> For Mobile>> 55+
Assumptions : We will upgrade theme code if needed and your theme provider should provide
an upgraded theme that reduces JS payload.
Your app provider should cooperate if there app is resulting in higher payload as these are not in
our control ( generally good reputed commercial app providers do support )
Your theme should allow different resolution images for Mobile and Desktop.
Above information is relative with Platinum plan of ours .
Please let me know if you have any questions
Hi @Irena
Aibek is here from Speedimize.io
Hope everything is fine on your end.
You can try our app here: https://apps.shopify.com/speedimize
It can help you to improve your Page Speed Score without any code knowledge.
Hello Aibek from @Anonymous,
Thank you for your help! I would like to try your app, but after reading this review: "Originally when I downloaded this app and tried to use it, it crashed and broke my entire site..." I am afraid to do so. Can it actually hurt the website?
Hi @Irena
Thanks for getting back to me.
As we mentioned earlier in our reply to this particular customer, the problem was in the Layout app that was downloading images to the live theme. After optimization, there was a problem with this app, but this customer was thinking that our app breaks his store. We tried to explain, but there was no answer on his part.
In our app, you can speedimize your store and then after work with JS files to postpone but with ATTENTION to not delay important files.
We have included our expertise and experience in speed optimization and you can always count on our support in any case. We will do our best.
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