lRe: Store Speed

How can I improve my website speed to meet Google's approval?

6 0 1

Hi guys,

my website is When I enter it into Pagespeed insights it is giving me multiple errors and Google has repeatedly disapproved my shop due to a “poor landing page.” I have been going back and forth with them for over a month and can’t get any clarification. Hands down worst customer service and most frustrating experience. I need Google to advertise my site. I am thinking my shop speed must also need help and in return may help my site be approved by Google, too, if it is improved. Any insight would be appreciated. Feeling pretty worn out and exhausted at this point

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
261 31 134

Ok, so your site is actually has good performance compared to an average shopify site.

There are just a few things you can do:

1. You have two files that are still render blocking, those should be made non render blocking

2. It would hurt to minify your JavaScript file

3.Add a fixed height and width to the image in your header, to reduce CLS


And that's about it.

If you want to push your score even higher, you can consider removing apps, like the reviews app or the chat app, but it's up to you to decide what is worth keeping.

Available for pagespeed consulting

Shopify Partner
134 10 73

Hi @laura7x 

I have a few optimization recommendations that could potentially improve your site's overall performance:

  1. Apply Lazy Loading to your social media icons on the homepage. These images aren't large, but by applying lazy loading you'll be able to save on some requests since the images won't be loaded until they come into the user's view.
  2. Lazy Load product thumbnails and size charts. You'll want to apply lazy loading to your size charts in your product descriptions. Also, experiment with lazy loading your product thumbnails. This is usually always beneficial when viewing your site on mobile, but on desktop, thumbnail images may not function properly with certain themes. Worth a shot! You can check out our guide on lazy loading: How To Lazy Load Images On Shopify To Make Your Site Faster.
  3. Optimize size chart images. I'd recommend changing your image formats from PNG to JPG if possible. This can help reduce file size and loading times. Check out the image optimization section of our Shopify Optimization Guide for more details on the topic: How To Optimize A Shopify Site: Complete Guide To Faster Load Speed.
  4. Minify Files. Minifying files can help to compress and reduce file sizes. This helps to speed up their execution. I ran your site through the Shopify Analyzer. It's a free tool our team built for the Shopify community. Here's the minification portion of your report that details which files could benefit: files that can be minified.
  5. Remove unused apps/check for old app code. I'd remove any apps that aren't adding a ton of value to your store. Apps can have a significant impact on performance, so it's best to keep this list as small as possible. Another thing to note, if you've uninstalled apps, it's possible the code still remains in your theme. It's good to go through your main theme files to check for any old app code and remove it.

If you'd like any help with your optimizations, please feel free to reach out to our team at

I hope this helps. Best of luck!

Developer at SpeedBoostr (Shopify optimization and dev agency).
Try out our Shopify Analyzer (free performance analysis tool).
Check out Order Automator (app that auto tags + fulfills orders, and more automation)
More Apps: Theme Scientist (A/B testing tool), Tip Jar (add a tip button to your store), File Optimizer (optimize CSS, JS, Liquid)