Re: Web banner on mobile getting cut off

How can I optimize a custom web banner for mobile without text cut-off?

3 0 0


Can someone please help me with mobile optimization? I want my banner images to look the same on mobile as on desktop. It's fine with most photographs, but I created a custom banner that contains both images and text. The text gets cut off on the mobile view. My URL is and I'm using the Impulse theme. Specifically, I'm referring to the first banner in the slideshow (the tiny tikes image).

Can anyone help with this issue? Thank you.🙂🙂


Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
2913 419 1081

Please place this code at the end of theme.scss

.hero__image {
    -o-object-fit: contain;
    object-fit: contain;

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3 0 0


If I use the code you provided, then my desktop slideshow and mobile images do not fill the area. Is there a way to fix this?





Shopify Partner
2913 419 1081

What is happening here is that you are using landscape and portrait images which are not fitting in the provided height. Please use landscape images which fit in the provided area.

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