Re: Slow mobile loading speed

How can we improve our homepage's mobile loading speed?

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Hi there everyone. 

We experience a quite slow loading speed for our homepage on mobile. According to this seems to be mainly related to Shopify. 

The URL is 

We already tried to compress all images and keep the page lean. We use the Wokiee Multipurpose Shopify Theme that should be optimized for mobile use.

Does anyone have an idea how we can improve our mobile speed? 

Thanks you very much for your support. 



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Shopify Partner
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Hello @Marlene_NL 

Welcome to the Shopify Community!

This is Jay from Oakleaf Infoway. I am Interested to help you and get out it of you from your current issue.

As I'm sure many of you well know, page speed has become a factor for ranking in the search engines. That's why if you're investing lots of time and money into getting the rankings you deserve, you shouldn't be blowing it by having a slow website. Longer load times have also been shown to negatively affect conversions.

We are all set to do optimize its overall website speed for yours.

If you wish to move forward with us.

Please add me over the skype/Mail for an instant communication

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Team, *Oakleaf Infoway*
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