Pickup availability doesn't show up on product page

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Hey all, 

I followed the steps to enable store pickup availability (https://shopify.dev/tutorials/add-store-availability) on my store, which uses Shella, with no luck.

The main difference with the shopify.dev tutorial instructions, my theme and Debut theme (which I looked into to see if I could figure it out as it has the functionality working perfectly), was that my theme and the instructions ask to add the pickup availability container to the product.liquid section, but Debut has it in the product-template.liquid, as it has no product.liquid.

As you might imagine, I am not very liquid or js savvy, so couldn't figure it out on my own. Any ideas?

Thanks for your time.

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Shopify Partner
835 73 175

Hi @miq 

Hope you're having a great day!

Did your theme have product.liquid? Could you share its content with me here?

Following the steps below, look in the sections and template folder and name the files that have their names starting with 'product'.
