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Hi, all.
I need your help.
Please tell me how to remove beeketing code in my theme? I used beeketing app before, but already uninstalled for long time. I don't know why it's code still works and that slowed my page speed.
I just checked my homepage loading speed from PageSpeedInside, and found beeketing javascript still in my theme and occupied my loading time. that slowed my homepage speed.
PageSeedInside shows beeketing code: https://sdk.beeketing.com/js/beeketing.js?20200823
Would you please help me as soon as possible? My website: https://iloveforeverfashion.com/ ( forevershop.myshopify.com )
Hi Jane!
Seems the script is still being loaded in your theme.liquid file, would you mind copy/pasting it here so I can give you the updated version without the script?
Thanks! Below is my theme code: Old version of Minimal template.
<!doctype html>
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new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
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{%- capture seo_title -%}
{{ page_title }}
{%- if current_tags -%}
{%- assign meta_tags = current_tags | join: ', ' -%} – {{ 'general.meta.tags' | t: tags: meta_tags -}}
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– {{ 'general.meta.page' | t: page: current_page }}
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{%- unless escaped_page_title contains shop.name -%}
– {{ shop.name }}
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<title>{{ seo_title | strip }}</title>
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{%- endif -%}
<meta name="keywords" content="shop Sports fans Gear, Kobe Bryant gear, Kobe Bryant sneakers,Kobe Bryant leggings, Kobe Bryant Hoodie, Kobe braynt shirt, 5 Ply KN95 Mask, Carbon Filter Face Mask, mask filter, US Flag Sports mask, Cycling mask, 3 Ply disposable face maske, agles bomber jacket, eagles fleece jacket, eagles car mats, eagles car sun shade, eagles sneakers, Philadelphia eagles car seat covers, eagles leggings, eagles gear, eagles shirts, eaglges necklace, Patriots gear, Patriots Leggings, Patriots bomber jacket, Patriots Fleece jacket, Patriots car mats, Patriots car seat covers, Online shopping, shopping, eagles shop, NFL eagles"/>
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{{ 'customer_area.js' | shopify_asset_url | script_tag }}
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h3 {
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<li class="search-field fr">
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<li class="fr">
<a href="/cart" class="cart" title="{{ 'layout.cart.title' | t }}">
<div style="float:left; padding-top:7px; padding-right: 3px">
<img src="{{ 'USA_logo.jpg' | asset_url }}" alt="iloveforeverfashion.com"/>
<i class="fa fa-shopping-cart"></i>{{ 'layout.cart.title' | t }}: {{ 'layout.cart.items_with_count' | t: count: cart.item_count }}
{% include 'customer-links' %}
{% if settings.top_bar_linklist != blank %}
{% for link in linklists[settings.top_bar_linklist].links %}
<li class="fr"><a href="{{ link.url }}" title="{{ link.title }}">{{ link.title }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<div id="menu-button" class="menu-icon"><i class="fa fa-bars"></i>{{ 'layout.menu.title' | t }}</div>
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<div class="row mobile-wrapper">
<nav class="mobile clearfix">
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<div id="transparency" class="wrapper">
<div class="row">
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<div class="row" id="header">
<div class="span12 border-bottom">
<div class="span2 inner-left logo-wrapper">
<div class="logo">
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<a href="/"><img src="{{ 'logo.png' | asset_url }}" alt="{{ shop.name }}" /></a>
{% if template == 'index' %}
<h1 style="display:none"><a href="/">{{ shop.name }}</a></h1> <table style="width: 100%;">
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<h1><a href="/">{{ shop.name }}</a></h1>
{% endif %}
<section id="nav">
<div class="span12 inner-left">
<nav class="main">
{% include 'site-nav' %}
{% endif %}
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{% if settings.navigation_alignment == "below" %}
<div class="span12 clearfix">
<div class="logo">
{% if settings.use_logo %}
<a href="/"><img src="{{ 'logo.png' | asset_url }}" alt="{{ shop.name }}" /></a>
{% if template == 'index' %}
<h1 style="display:none"><a href="/">{{ shop.name }}</a></h1>
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<h1><a href="/">{{ shop.name }}</a></h1>
{% endif %}
<section id="nav" class="row">
<div class="span12">
<nav class="main">
{% include 'site-nav' %}
</nav> <!-- /.main -->
<nav class="mobile clearfix">
{% include 'mobile-menu' %}
</nav> <!-- /.mobile -->
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<section id="content" class="clearfix">
{{ content_for_layout }}{% include 'vnavs' %}
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<div class="footer-wrapper">
<div class="row">
<div class="span12 full-border"></div>
{% assign blog_module_in_footer = false %}
<!-- Begin latest blog post -->
{% unless settings.footer_blog_post == blank or blogs[settings.footer_blog_post].empty? or blogs[settings.footer_blog_post].articles.size == 0 %}
{% assign article = blogs[settings.footer_blog_post].articles.first %}
{% assign blog_module_in_footer = true %}
<div class="span4 footer-blog">
<div class="p30">
<h4><a href="/blogs/{{ settings.footer_blog_post }}">{{ 'layout.footer_blog.title' | t }}</a></h4>
<p class="p10"><strong>{{ article.title | link_to: article.url }}</strong></p>
{% if article.excerpt.size > 0 %}
<div class="clearfix">
{{ article.excerpt }}
{% else %}
<p>{{ article.content | strip_html | truncatewords: 30 }}</p>
{% endif %}
{% endunless %}
<!-- End latest blog post -->
<!-- Begin footer navigation -->
<div class="span4 footer-menu">
<h4>{{ 'layout.footer_navigation.title' | t }}</h4>
<ul class="unstyled">
{% for link in linklists[settings.footer_linklist].links %}
<li><a href="{{ link.url }}" title="{{ link.title }}">{{ link.title }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
<div class="span4 footer-menu">
<ul class="unstyled">
{% for link in linklists.footer2.links %}
<li><a href="{{ link.url }}" title="{{ link.title }}">{{ link.title }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
<!-- End footer navigation -->
<!-- Begin newsletter/social -->
<div class="span4">
{% if settings.footer_display_newsletter %}
<div class="p30">
<h4>{{ 'layout.newsletter.title' | t }}</h4>
<form action="{{ settings.mailing_list_form_action }}" method="post" id="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" name="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" target="_blank">
<input type="email" value="" placeholder="{{ 'layout.newsletter.placeholder' | t }}" name="EMAIL" id="mail" /><input type="submit" class="btn newsletter" value="{{ 'layout.newsletter.submit' | t }}" name="subscribe" id="subscribe" />
{% endif %}
<div class="privy-embed-form" data-campaign="104391"></div>
{% if blog_module_in_footer %}
<div class="clearfix">
{% if settings.enable_social_links %}
<h4>{{ 'layout.social.title' | t }}</h4>
{% include 'social-links' %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<!-- End newsletter/social -->
{% unless blog_module_in_footer %}
<div class="span4">
<div class="clearfix">
{% if settings.enable_social_links %}
<h4>{{ 'layout.social.title' | t }}</h4>
{% include 'social-links' %}
{% endif %}
{% endunless %}
<div class="span12">
<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="mcnCaptionBottomContent">
<td style="text-align: center;"> <img src="{{ '100-percent-satisfaction2.gift' | asset_url }}" alt="Iloveforeverfashion.com" /></td>
</tbody></table> </div>
<!-- Begin copyright -->
<div class="span12 tc copyright">
{% assign current_year = 'now' | date: "%Y" %}
<p>{{ 'layout.copyright.copyright_html' | t: year: current_year, name: shop.name }} | {{ powered_by_link }} {% if settings.designed_by %}{% endif %} </p>
{% if shop.enabled_payment_types.size > 0 %}
<ul class="credit-cards clearfix">
{% for type in shop.enabled_payment_types %}
{% comment %} <li><img width="50" src="{{ type | payment_type_img_url }}" alt="Iloveforeverfashion.com" /></li> {% endcomment %}
{% endfor %}
<li><img width="300" src="{{ 'Paypal_Express.png' | asset_url }}" /></li>
</ul> <!-- /.credit-cards -->
{% endif %}
<!-- End copyright -->
<!-- End footer -->
{% if settings.display_slideshow %}
{{ 'jquery.flexslider-min.js' | asset_url | script_tag }}
{% endif %}
{% if settings.enable_product_image_zoom %}
{{ 'jquery.zoom.js' | asset_url | script_tag }}
{% endif %}
{{ 'scripts.js' | asset_url | script_tag }}
{{ 'social-buttons.js' | asset_url | script_tag }}
{% if template contains 'product' %}
var selectCallback = function(variant, selector) {
if (variant) {
else {
if (variant) {
if (variant.featured_image) {
var newImage = variant.featured_image;
var mainImageEl = $('.image.featured img')[0];
Shopify.Image.switchImage(newImage, mainImageEl, MinimalTheme.switchImage);
if (variant.price < variant.compare_at_price) {
jQuery('#price-preview').html(Shopify.formatMoney(variant.price, "{{ shop.money_format }}") + " <del>" + Shopify.formatMoney(variant.compare_at_price, "{{ shop.money_format }}") + "</del>");
else {
jQuery('#price-preview').html(Shopify.formatMoney(variant.price, "{{ shop.money_format }}"));
if (variant.available) {
jQuery('#add-to-cart').removeAttr('disabled').removeClass('disabled').val({{ 'products.general.add_html' | t | json }});
else {
jQuery('#add-to-cart').val({{ 'products.general.sold_out_html' | t | json }}).addClass('disabled').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
else {
jQuery('#add-to-cart').val({{ 'products.general.unavailable_html' | t | json }}).addClass('disabled').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
var optionSelectors = new Shopify.OptionSelectors("product-select", { product: {{ product | json }}, onVariantSelected: selectCallback, enableHistoryState: true });
// Add label if only one product option and it isn't 'Title'.
{% if product.options.size == 1 and product.options.first != 'Title' %}
$('.selector-wrapper:eq(0)').prepend('<label>{{ product.options.first }}</label>');
{% endif %}
function imageSize(src) {
if (!src) {
return null;
var match = src.match(
if (match === null) {
return null;
} else {
return match[1];
{% endif %}
{% include 'linked-options' %}
{{ 'booster-page-speed-optimizer.js' | asset_url | script_tag }}
Hi, K&J:
Thanks for your posting the sample!
However, my theme doesn't have layout.liquid, but only have theme.liquid. As you can see my theme code pasted here, there is no beeketing code in my theme code,
and also, there is no beeketing code in my snippet too.
I don't know why beeketing code still run on my shopify store? Here is beeketing code link show on Google PageSpeed Insights page: https://sdk.beeketing.com/js/beeketing.js?20200823
I also contacted beeketing.com again this morning, but they still haven't responded to me yet.
Please help me if you know where this beeketing code locates.
Anyone know? Please show me.
Hi Zhao.
If you can't find the snippet for beeketing, then probably the code for the app is still being loaded in content_for_header, even though the app was uninstalled. I've had this happen before with a client, with a different app. I recommend you try contacting shopify support, have them look at the store, and ask them to remove the code, that is what my client did.
Hi, oreoorbitz:
Please tell me how to contact Shopify support?
Shopify support is free or charge for helping me remove beeketing code?
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
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